Tuesday, February 27, 2024

We don't have any pictures this week, so I'm just going to share a few things and my thoughts about them:

1) Evelyn played drums in church again. They did some of the oldies, including "Get Together" by the Yougbloods. That was fun. She really does do a great job and always gets lots of good feedback from the people who are there. I am also impressed at her preparation. She does a lot of things, and puts in the time that it takes to do them well. It's pretty cool.

2) We are picking up the Durango from the shop today. We got new tires on it and got everything fixed up to turn the keys over to Ev. It's a little bit scary. I've been driving with her to school every day and she does a pretty good job, but there have been a few minor incidents that make me worried about turning her lose on the world. I guess we all have to learn though.

3) Remember when Maren got rats a couple of weeks ago? Well, it turns out that unbeknownst to Rachel, she bought a pregnant rat. Now we have 13 of them. I try my best not to think about it, but when I do I find myself a little bit put out. Also, Maren possibly has an allergy to the rats and can't sleep in the same room as them or else she breaks out in a rash. This whole thing is turning into quite the fiasco. I'm not sure what a happy ending would even look like at this point. Happy or not, the status quo can't last much longer.

4) A lot of people in our family have been dealing with a little bug with cold-like symptoms. It's been sort of yucky, but I think it's pretty much behind us now. This has also led to a confounding factor in trying to figure out what is going on with Maren (see above).

5) We had a storm come through our area, which led to some of the best skiing of the year. I was at Schweitzer with a friend on Sunday, and then Rachel and I headed up on Monday for more silky smooth turns. I know it is pretty much every week, but I honestly can't think of a much more joyful activity than skiing. It fulfills something deep. 

6) Jackson has committed himself to learning how to snowboard. This means that he gets left far behind everyone else, and he has already taken some pretty nasty falls, but so far he has stuck with it. He has two whole days under his belt. 

7) On Saturday night, Rach and I went out to dinner with some friends, and then they invited us to a club afterwards. I feel pretty comfortable in a lot of different settings. This club was not one of them. The dinner and the company were nice though.

8) I find myself feeling very grateful right now for the life we get to live. We are all healthy, and able to do things that we like and that fill our lives with meaning. We spend a lot of time together as a family- usually on the weekends-  but we each also have our own friends and interests to pursue. I love having teenage kids, and coming home from a ski trip the other day to a house full of friends and activity led to a feeling of deep satisfaction. 

Well, that's about it for this week. No pictures. That happens sometimes.

Have a good week!

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