Monday, February 12, 2024

This is one of those weekends that already feel like a dream. Yesterday at this time I was sipping coffee, looking out the window at snow-covered peaks, and getting ready for an epic day of skiing. This was day three in our little condo and had served perfectly as a home base for our adventures, sitting just minutes away from the lift. We had already explored most of the mountain, and since this would be the last day out there, we each had a few specific objectives. Maren and Rachel raced the steep groomers that were used for world cup training. Addy had her best runs- maybe of her life- on the moguls. And Evelyn hit the steeps with the cool headed composure that can only come from years of experience. Lindsey and Jackson...made a snowman...maybe? Panorama is one of those "perfect" resorts with something for everyone, including big mountain terrain formerly only accessible via helicopter. We loved it, and I think it is unanimous that this was the best ski weekend of the winter so far. 

And then this morning I dropped Ev off at the high school and just drove into work as if nothing had happened. We'll catch up on some super-bowl stuff tonight, and celebrate Maren's 12th birthday. I'll pick up some groceries, and maybe go to the gym. Life goes on- but for a little while it will feel different as we come off the high that was the weekend.

We had space to spread out a little compared to our normal hotel rooms. Here we are getting ready for the day.

The condo was next to a big frozen lake

Speed queens
 I spent most of my time with Ev and Addy in steeper terrain

Movie nights are a pretty normal part of these weekend trips.

I have no idea what is happening here. They found a large letter A? Ok. In this picture they are posing like Moses is supposing. Also, this reference will not be lost on these kids, even if they weren't thinking it in the moment.

Getting ready to drop. A little bit lower coverage than normal made these runs extra spicy.

The view out our window. The mountains up here are unreal.

Have a good week!

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