Sunday, July 31, 2011

This was a relaxing week. At work, the other two doctors didn't know when my license would be coming in (and neither did I) so they had scheduled some large cases on days when I would be at the office. Since last week was only my second week working they were unable to reschedule those patients for their days, so instead I just didn't have to work. It been sort of nice and is giving me a chance to just ease into my new position as a doctor. Starting this week, however, I will be full-time all the time (which is also sort of nice from a getting-paid standpoint).

Some people have been asking me how things are going at work. And I have responded that I am learning a lot in a very short period of time. I cannot think of any time when I've crammed this much knowledge into my brain except for maybe the first month of clinic in dental school. This is a very good thing. Just in the last week I have done as many root canals as I did during my entire time in dental school, and nearly as many crowns. Some days I do as many fillings as I am used to doing in the course of 2-3 full weeks, and I've done work on a patient here in one hour which would have taken at least 3 visits to accomplish previously. Yes, it's a little bit stressful. But it is also very, very good.

But like I said, this week I had a lot of time off and work was not really a main focus. What we really did was have fun all week. We went to the beach several times, with each time being better than the last. On Saturday we went hiking. Rachel and I carried AddyJack in backpacks for most of the way, and Evelyn walked. We went about 2 miles and the kids did great! Jackson especially. He was born to be outside. I think that if he had his way we would just live outside all the time.

Jackson is especially fond of the water. This boy is fearless. It doesn't matter how cold or how deep the water is- he will just jump right in without a second thought. We put some water-wings on him at the beach and just let him go. He walked right out to where he couldn't touch any more, and then started kicking and swimming all by himself, giggling like a mad man the whole time.

Addy, on the other hand is a sissy when it comes to the water (but she is very brave in other arenas). Instead, she prefers to walk to the swings and stare at them with a forlorn expression until one of us feels bad enough to go and push her.

Oh- also another exciting thing happened this week. Rachel felt the baby move! A lot! It is really early for her to be feeling this and it sort of has her freaked out that we might be having twins again. I guess it wouldn't be the end of the world if this were the case, but it would be very difficult. She goes to the doctor tomorrow for her first "I'm pregnant" appointment. Pray for her.

Other than that, things are pretty much just normal (as if "normal" even means anything to us anymore after the past couple of months).

I like this picture! This is me and my Jack sitting by the water and looking at boats at the end of a good day. We had just finished eating hot-dogs and s'mores. Jack and I had been swimming and the girls were at the play ground. We bonded.

Here's Jack the maniac at the beach.

Here's a very flattering picture of Addy at our "P-Party." We went in our back yard and had a picnic of pizza and pickles on pink and purple plates. It was actually a lot more fun than Addy is making it look.


  1. What a fun week! Wish we were there to go to the beach with you and play with the kids. I can just picture Mr. Jack giggling in the water and being his cute self, and Addy over at the swings with her beautiful little face making you feel sorry for her. You didn't mention what Evelyn was doing, but I would guess she loved playing in the sand and explained the whole time what it was she was doing. Such cute kids! We miss you guys!

  2. You are a good writer. I always like reading your blog and picturing what you are doing. The beach sounds great! Love,
