Sunday, June 14, 2009

BBQ's, Sunday Walks, and a Baby Belly

Logan has been loving his motorcycle. He has been learning about the mechanics and he has been practicing a lot using wider and wider boundaries around our home. He went on his first "long" ride out to the Mayfield chapel. We definately live in a beautiful place!

Our upstairs apartment has recently become available. We found out that a new family was looking for a place to live, and this week Paul flew out and decided to move in upstairs! We are excited to have Paul, Amy and Luke (he is just a month younger than Eva) move in.

Logan is really enjoying clinic. He is feeling more comfortable by the day and he is getting to know a lot of people... and their mouths. :) He is doing a great job!

On Saturday we had a Ward BBQ at the institute building. The weather was beautiful! We even had a pinata for the party. We learned that we don't have very many kids in our ward that are old enough to understand the point. I actually decided that I don't really understand the point. We teach our kids not to hit, then we give them a bat and cheer for them to "hit the bird as hard as you can!" :) I enjoyed watching and Eva got in a few wacks of her own. We also figured out how to maximize our payload when working with a lot of little kids. We made a game out of putting the candy in Logan's hat. By the end, we had four kids picking up candy and putting it into the hat! Most of that ended up on the table for other people to get their share.

24 1/2 weeks pregnant with our baby girl and baby boy! This was taken on our Sunday walk in North Chagrin Reservation. We live in a beautiful place.


  1. Rachel you look ADORABLE!!! I love you cute, cute baby belly! I am so excited to get to see you all this week, and I am three times as excited for Bennett to meet his cousins! We love you guys! :)

  2. You look great Rachel! I'm so excited for you guys!!

  3. Hey girl! You look so great. I love your belly. And congrats to Logan on the new bike! Love you tons

  4. Rachel are there really twins in there?! you look amazing!
