Sunday, February 1, 2009

One of those weeks...

During the week it seemed like we were crazy-non-stop-busy, but when we look back and brainstorm what actually happened, we can't think of all that much. I guess it has just been one of those weeks. So, here's what did happen...

The saga of Rachel's dental work continues. This week was actually a big step forward in this regard because she finally got the implant placed for her front tooth. She was pretty nervous about the whole ordeal, and I don't blame her- after all, they did put a screw through her bone. The whole thing went pretty well and today she was actually able to put her fake tooth back in her mouth for about an hour (she won't get the crown on the implant for another couple of months).

While all this was going on, Evelyn decided it was a good time to get really grouchy and smelly and sick. Actually, the grouchy and smelly part was because of the sick part. She was vomiting a lot and had a high fever and became very clingy and poopy and grumpy and a menace. But we love her. We took her to the doctor and got some Pedialyte and Tylenol and she seems to be feeling a little better.

So here we are, Rachel laid up with a sore mouth, Evelyn being a grumpy menace, and I am at school all day. And then, for some reason, I get sick and start throwing up and...well, let's just say that I wasn't able to help out a whole lot around the house.

Yes, it has just been one of those weeks. Thankfully we are all feeling much better now and are excited to see what the new week brings.

Despite all the craziness, we still had some good moments. Here's Eva learning how to play the guitar. We love that bug!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Eva! Oh, and you guys 2! Miss you all, an am glad to see you are still over there in tose parts of CH! Evelyns getting so big. She is so pretty too!
