Sunday, June 1, 2008

BBQs and Good Weather

We had a good week. I spent some time in the lab trying to figure out my project. I talked with a guy from the Materials Science department who said that the meathods we are using won't work, but other people insist that they will (although they don't know how- that's my job to figure out). It will be interesting to see what happens with this.

We are doing a lot of out-door cooking lately. I think that we use our little gas grill about as much as we use our oven at home. We have had some fun BBQ picnics with friends, as well as small mini-picnics with just us. There are so many parks around here, and the weather has been so nice that it is just too hard to stay inside.

Also, we planted our garden this last week. Well...sort of. We planted the tomatoes and bell peppers. Rachel still has some flowers to plant, but at least we got the important items (food) in the ground. Hopefully we will have fresh home-picked vegitables pretty soon.

Here are some pictures of our week:

I actually wrote about this place in the last post. It is very close to our house and looks like it will have some good climbs. We are trying to develop this area with some friends to provide quick access to good climbing.

Funny story- We were at a BBQ picnic with a bunch of friends and Evelyn started getting fussy. We determined that she was hungry, but to our dismay we had forgotten to pack a bottle. For a while it was looking like we would have to skip out early and head home. Then I tried giving her a watermellon to suck on. She loved it! As you can see in the second picture, she sucked it until the tip was nipple-shaped and then continued to suck the juice from it. She sucked the thing dry! What a resoursful baby we have. Fourty-five minutes later we finally went home and gave her some real food.

Here's Rachel preparing to plant a tomato. Due to the shade trees in our yard, we have had to do some searching to find a place that gets a lot of sun for the vegitables. Hopefully this will work.

Here's Rachel and Eva on Sunday afternoon when we had dinner and Family Night in the park. We tried making baby-back-ribs like the ones at Chili's. Rachel said they turned out perfect, and since she worked at Chili's for three years I'll take that as a compliment.

Evelyn is the cutest baby ever! This week I think she discovered her voice. She does the squawk thing for fifteen minutes at a time, just listening to her voice. At first we thought she was angry, but then she started smiling after each wild screech. I think she is just fascinated that she can make so much noise.

1 comment:

  1. Evelyn really is the cutest baby ever! What a great voice she has! I loved her picture of her standing in her Sunday best. I miss that little bug girl!
