Monday, March 10, 2008

Eva Girl

It has actually happened... Eva has taken over out blog. Apparently this is what people wanted. I never realized how many comments we could get by posting pictures of our baby girl. We love getting comments.

This week has been very eventful and most of it has been from the comfort of our own home. I am very pleased with my recovery, and have been out and about as often as possible. I have found, however, that little Eva has a lot of control over my schedule. I seem to be getting used to being sleep deprived. A very exciting thing happened today. For the first time in three weeks I wore jeans instead of Logan's scrubs. I have felt great, but have not been able to have anything against my incision. After an hour at Sam's Club I realized that I am very thankful for scrubs and will still be wearing them for a while.

Eva has been getting a lot of attention from her grandparents these last few weeks. My parents left on Wednesday morning and Logan's parents arrived on Wednesday night. Logan and I have really enjoyed the company and the help.

On Saturday we had a beautiful snowy day. It snowed about 18 inches and I enjoyed watching the blizzard through all of the windows in our sun room. Church was cancelled on Sunday for the first time I can ever remember. On Sunday we discovered that many cross country skiiers come out on the streets after snow storms.


  1. oh man, she is so stinkin' cute!! seriously, you guys make a pretty darn cute lil girl! And Rach, you look great, glad to hear you're doing pretty good, wish we could come visit!

  2. Yes, we all only blog for the comments. I loved seeing the cross cont. skiers too! I wish I had a pair of my own to bust out.

  3. I remember the same feeling of just wanting to be in something comfortable and although it is really tempting to get up, do things, feel useful and independent...etc. you will recover so much more quickly if you spend as much time as possible laying down. Luckily little Eva doesnt run around yet! ;)

  4. She's still so pretty. I'm glad you're doing good! Try to get some rest when you can, and don't wear clothes that will open that scar up!
