Tuesday, December 10, 2019

This was our week to get ready for Christmas. Lights. Tree. Presents. More presents.

...And more presents.

Seriously, we get like 10 packages per day on our doorstep. I feel like we should leave cookies or something out for our delivery guy. That's what happens, I guess, when you do virtually all of your Christmas shopping, as well as your kids' Christmas shopping, on the internet, on the same day. The upside of all of this is that it has been one week of complete wrapping paper chaos, and then we cleaned up and were done. Boom!


Before we get too far ahead of ourselves though, I need to address the ever pressing issue of the gingerbread contest. I know that most of the readers of this blog have probably not been able to sleep out of anticipation for the outcome. Well, wait no longer my friends! This year, I proudly present the undisputed winners! The treehouse!

I don't even know how many years we have done this. A lot. And this, I am a little embarrassed to say, is the first year that me or my team has actually won. You better believe I am going to gloat a little bit. It might be a while before I get another chance!
And in second place, we have the theme park.

Everyone did a great job. So much fun.
I had to include Lindsey with her volcano. I have never seen a little girl so pleased with herself.

So, here are a few more pictures:

Getting our Christmas Tree

Meeting Elsa at a "Frozen" party

Ev and some of her friends at the school Christmas Carnival. I'm not sure what's painted on their foreheads. Kids these days! haha ROTFLOL YEET! /s
Not a Christmas thing, but Evelyn and Rachel made this booth for the "Fair Trade Festival." Ninos com Valor is the orphanage they are going to in Bolivia. Ev did most of the work, answered most of the questions people had, and did most of the fundraising. I'm proud of these ladies.

Also, I broke my baby toe. So there is that. But it's all good.

Have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for the gingerbread houses (structures). I was glad to be part of the "tree house" crew, but most important was the fun we had with everybody doing this. I'm already planning next years!!

    I'm also proud of Ev and Rachel for their work with the orphanage in Bolivia.
