Monday, November 11, 2019

14 years ago, when we were first married and living in a dingy little four-plex in Provo across from the cemetery, Rachel saw an ad for a "Sherlock Holmes mystery dinner." One of those affairs where you get to play a part and dress up and solve mysteries and stuff. At the time, we had no money, and this dinner wasn't cheap. This was convenient, since I really wasn't too into the idea in the first place. We simply couldn't justify it to ourselves. But ever since then, the topic has come up from time-to-time, and is then "forgotten" until Rachel remembers to bring it up again.

Well, this time she didn't just bring it up. Instead she came to me and said "Logan, you need to get a costume. I booked us for a thing, and you, my love, are the esteemed 'Lord Winston Eversol.' It will be fun!"
Here I am as "Lord Eversol," a jaded politician. As for Rachel, she is "Priscilla Prescott," a wealthy horse breeder.

And actually, the night did end up being a lot of fun. We went to a large mansion where we were led to a parlor with the other guests, who were also in costume. There was a fantastic multi-course dinner, followed by a staged murder, and then a series of clues to discover the culprit. Rach and I ended up being the ones to finally solve it (not that we're competitive or anything), and then we capped off the night with pleasant conversation and dessert. It was a good time, and we might even do it again someday.

This was Rachel's favorite picture of the night. I think I took her a little by surprise ;)
Besides our evening out together, Rachel and I got to spend some time outdoors with the kids. The days are getting shorter and colder, but not yet cold enough for snow sports. It's kind of a tough time of year to find things to do, so when the weather is even just a little bit nice we take full advantage.

The girls found a log and made a "raft." It was all fun and games until they started inviting other kids to hop on as well. Let's just say that some people went home a little bit colder than expected.

I also have to include this lovely candid picture of Jackson playing in his room. I love the style!

Have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. So much fun! Congratulations on solving the murder mystery!! I love Jack's style too. Can't wait to see you guys for Thanksgiving.
