Sunday, March 9, 2014

My double life

As I was driving to work on Wednesday I had the thought that I am living a double life.  The more I thought about this concept the more I realized that it was true.  My first life is my happy, stay-at-home, play with kids, clean the home, cook, try to keep my cool and be a good mom life. My second life is working at a challenging job as a professional woman and keeping up my interpreting skills through workshops and conferences so that I can aspire to become an interpreter with Jedi Knight interpreting skills.

I must say that I love both of these sides of me and that I think having both of them provides balance in my life.  I LOVE being a stay-at-home mom.  I LOVE seeing my kids every day and giving them love, attention, discipline, and Momma time.  I also LOVE being able to put on my professional persona and going out into the world to make a difference for other people and to improve myself.  I have found a wonderful schedule that works for our family.  I work every Wednesday afternoon while the kids have a babysitter, and I work every Friday while the kids have a much needed Papa day.  Besides my scheduled times I occasionally pick up community jobs.

I think our kids are going to thrive BECAUSE they have their dad taking time and being the stay-at-home dad with them.  I don't think dads get enough credit for the work they do in the home.  My working situation gives him the perfect chance to be with the kids and only the kids.  It is a win-win situation for everyone!

Now to one of the best parts of my job.  I feel like working away from home is actually making me a BETTER mom.  I have more appreciation for the time I am with the kids and I do more with that time to make it count.  

This week I hosted a weekend interpreting conference at Heartwood.  We have a large conference room that was perfect for a group to interact during the online webinar.  The conference was all day Friday and Saturday and I think everyone involved had a great time.  We learned a lot and we had fun getting to know each other a little bit better. I look forward to hosting more workshops and conferences there in the future.  

We will work on getting pictures for our next blog.  Have a great week!

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