Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's been a pretty laid-back week as far as school goes. First of all, I don't really have any classes any more. Second- I am in the middle of my community rotation, meaning that instead of going to the school every day I just have to show up at a community clinic and work for a few hours. Third- we had a "snow day" because the clinic where I am working shut down due to a (rather pathetic) storm that hit Cleveland on Wednesday. Fourth- Friday was only a half day because it was "National Give Kids a Smile Day." So we gave smiles to kids until noon and then went home for an early weekend.

The best part- Next week is pretty much the same thing!

So, you might ask what we have been doing with all of our free time. First of all, we promptly dropped the camera behind the couch where it stayed until this morning when Evelyn discovered it while looking for a toy.

Last Sunday we had some friends over for a fondue dinner which was prepared by Rachel. It was very tasty and we had a great time with the Birs.

On Wednesday we went to the Children's Museum with all the kids. It was awesome because there weren't many people there (I guess the weather kept them away) and Jack and Addy pretty much got the run of the place. It is nice not needing to chase them around saying "no" or taking things away.

On Friday after I got home from the clinic we dropped the kids off at a friend's house and drove down to Columbus to attend a long-overdue temple session. It was really nice of our friends to babysit for so long, and it was wonderful being in the temple with Rachel.

And that was pretty much our week in a nutshell.

The End.

Addy is the only one who likes this. When I do it to Jackson he screams, and won't stop for several minutes after I put him down. When I do it to Evelyn she develops a death grip on my neck which has led to some near-death experiances for both of us. Addy, on the other hand, has no fear, and thinks this is the greatest thing on earth. And I love the laugh. Oh, Addy- how I love my little snowman Girl!


  1. What a cute giggle! Sounds like you guys are having fun. How did the fondue pot work? Give all those cute kiddos big hugs from Grandma and Grandpa. We love you all!

  2. I love Addy's laugh!! So cute

  3. That giggle is great. I have been thinking of you. I sure love you.

  4. I love things that make me laugh. The giggle did it. Love you all.
