Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy Autumn!

We are LOVING the Autumn season. It is, by far, my favorite season of the year. I've spoken with some people who mention that it makes them sad. I don't know why this is...maybe because it means that winter is coming. It would be interesting to test the theory that people who don't like the Fall season are also those who have a hard time getting older and dread their next birthday. Anyway- that is totally beside the point. The point is that I like Autumn. The air is crisp and full of an energy that makes me want to run just for the heck of it. So, once again, HAPPY AUTUMN TO EVERYONE!

And it is a good thing that the air is charged with this energy because we need all that we can get. This has been our first week alone with these babies, and I think that I slept about half as much this week as I normally do. Rachel...well, lets just say that I don't know how she is doing it, but somehow she is and life is good.

That doesn't mean that life is never frustrating though. Both babies have this new trick that they like to play- They'll eat and eat, and then pretend to go to sleep. But they really don't sleep-oh no- this is just a ruse to get us to let down our guard. We put them down thinking that all is well, and then at just the opportune moment (right after we begin dinner, fall asleep, or walk into a public place) they start screaming and rooting and acting like they are about to keel over from starvation. I swear I saw a mischievous smirk in Adalie's eye the last time she did this, as if she was telling me, "Don't even pretend to be in control Dad- it's me that runs this house now!"

And she does. Sometimes she relinquishes control over to her brother though. It's sort of a tag-team effort to make sure that we, their loving parents, go completely insane trying to figure out what's going on.

But we still love them so much! Despite their roguish behavior they can't help but be very cute and cuddly at times. It is all so worth it when you have one of them fall asleep against your chest, or when you watch them as they explore the world with their enormous eyes moving in every direction, just taking it all in.

Meanwhile, Evelyn is a perfect little sister and toddler girl. She is very helpful when it comes to cuddling the babies and cleaning the house and finding dogs. Seriously, I think she has a sixth sense that is specially tuned to find "Gags." If only we could teach her to find car keys or socks in the laundry then we may be able to start marketing her to our friends and acquaintances.

Basically, life is good, hectic, tiring, and wonderful all at the same time. Hooray for Autumn energy.

These are some pictures we took during one of our Autumn walks. This is what Evelyn did when I told her to smile. I call it her "Sumo Wrestler Pose"

Here's our Jackson boy. The hat was made by a friend an it fits his little head perfectly (most hats are too big).


  1. Yay for Autumn! The trees are beautiful there! I love, love, love the pictures you posted, especially the one of Jackson. If only I had had that one last week... :)

  2. Seriously, you guys amaze me! Your babies (all three) are super cuties! And Rachel, you look AMAZING for just having had twins! I'm jealous!! I would love to come by & visit you sometime & bring you dinner (seriously, this time). I'll call you or send you an email.
