Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Well, we just finished the Hazard reunion and are back into the normal hustle and bustle of the week. Rachel and I have been watching sport climbing in the Olympics. Maren is right in the middle of an acting camp. Evelyn and Adalie are leaving today for a short backpacking trip. Tomorrow night a few of us will go and see Pippin at a small local theater. In short, things are good.

Here are a few photos of last week:

Finishing up the Almond reunion. More cousin time.

Also the Almond reunion. We went on a tour of the olympic park in Park City. On the tour we saw a lot of things, but our favorite was watching people practice in the freestyle pool. The people doing the biggest jumps were superhuman and unrelatable, but we also saw a lot who were working on more accessible tricks and it was pretty inspiring. So much so, that Addy decided to pay a lot of her own money to register for a coaching session on these ramps when we come back down in a couple of weeks.

The Hazard Reunion. We actually took all these family photos at the end, but we'll put them up here first. Here is all of us.

Here's the original Hazard family.

And here's us!

We did a few impromptu hikes

Hanging out in the back yard at my parent's new house

Everyone trying to fit in the shade of a single umbrella. We did a few lawn games as a family and there were some viscously competitive kids that put themselves in the mix. We will not soon forget the stick fight between two specific cousins.

Just up the hill from my parent's house is a great place to watch the sun go down.

Tennis continues to be a thing

Me, Ev, and Addy woke up early one morning to do this hike before the action started for the day. The destination was actually a pretty cool wind cave thing.

I went out one day to see Evelyn riding my dad's motorcycle and surprised myself with parental concern that I didn't know I had. She survived and the bike still runs, so I guess it was successful.

This was a big highlight for everyone. We went and floated a river. There were several small rapids and some cliff jumping along the way. It was a ton of fun. Nobody brought cameras on the water though because we were all too scared to ruin our phones.

Ninja Turtle buddies

This was also a lot of fun, and personally rewarding for some of us. We rented out a gymnastic gym and just played around for a while. Jackson and I did our first backflips on a trampoline. Neither of us had ever done that before and I am honestly pretty excited about it. Addy also started doing backflips off of solid platforms, which is a step up for her.

Alright- that's pretty much it. HAVE A GOOD WEEK!

1 comment:

  1. It was a great week. Looking forward to the next reunion😀
