Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Last week was full of family reunions. We did a lot of stuff. Together. And it was good.

This week was a little different. We still did a lot of stuff, but it was on a more individual basis. Actually, Rachel and I were going to do a camping trip- just us- on Saturday, but because we had felt so detached during the week from everyone else we decided to make it a family affair instead. Evelyn's boyfriend, Josh, was also able to join us. We discovered a really neat little campground way up near the Canadian border, brought a bunch of kayaks and paddle boards, and spent a day on the river. I'd wanted to check this area out ever since some friends went there last summer, and it did not disappoint. It was nice. 

Here are some photos. 

This waterfall is accessible only by water- there is no trail or anything to hike to it. Consequentially, there were not a ton of people around that you normally see in a place this beautiful. There was also good cliff jumping and swimming. Even though we just spent the day up there, it gave us enough of an appetite for the area that we will probably plan a longer trip sometime to explore the river.

Maren did a theater camp all week that focused on the audition/callback process. At the end of the week there was a showcase with numbers from High School Musical.

Here's Maren during her solo. I like the personality that she brought to her character.

The five of us went and saw Pippin. It was a wonderful night out with great acting. People around us seemed surprised at the enthusiasm of our kids and knowledge of lyrics/vocal harmonies during the singalong part of No Time At All.

These two have been trying for weeks to get out on this trip. Leigh Lake is a beautiful alpine lake in Montana, and Ev was itching to plan an overnight trip of her own. They went and apparently had a great time, including the part where they had to troubleshoot some minor car issues. It is fun to watch them doing these things. It reminds me of when I was their age, planning my first trips with just siblings/friends/cousins. The next few photos are from this trip.

Rachel spent Saturday morning watching her friend do the CDA triathlon

And finally, there is this picture. These three have been climbing a lot together lately. Rachel is becoming a confident leader and they seem to have a good time. After this trip, I met them with their SOs for a fun trivia-night.

Have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of fun things happening. Good to see. Keep it going.
