Tuesday, October 26, 2021

"It seems like we haven't done any trips or anything for a while as a family. Why is that? Things seem a little dull and monotonous around here."

"It's because we took on the massive DIY project of installing a home office."

"Oh yeah."

This conversation takes place, either using words or agitated eye rolls, on a weekly basis. This office is the project that will not die. We are making progress, but it seems slow. Cold weather is coming and it would be great to finish by the time snow falls. Meeting this deadline seems like it will take away all the free time we have during the most beautiful time of year to go outside and play. Thank goodness for football games and short local outings to help lift the weight of this thing off our shoulders, if only for brief periods of time. I'm sure it will be worth it.

This weekend, actually, we took a huge step forward, getting nearly all of the sheetrock cut and screwed into place. We couldn't have done it without the help of my dad, who stayed the weekend for this express purpose. It was actually a little bit fun figuring things out- bouncing ideas off each other, making measurements, working hard, and then standing back and admiring our own handiwork. It's far from perfect, but it is also something I think we can be proud of. Also, with this step completed the structure feels a lot less "shed-like," and is now easy to imagine as an actual extension of the home with usable living-space. It's going to be cool. Even more importantly, it is motivating. I think little victories like this are needed to keep up momentum on big projects.


Though we spent considerable time working on the office this week, we did manage to get some play-time in as well. The autumn colors are in full array right now, transforming our already-beautiful corner of the world into a veritable kaleidoscope of browns, yellows, oranges, and greens. Recent rains soften out the landscape, cool weather freshens it, and the sound of running water adds a crispness in the air. Days like these, I imagine, are what gave rise to the age of artistic expressionism- for being outside right now is more a feeling than an event that can be captured and reproduced.

We also spent time with each other playing games, catching up, watching movies, and the various other things that can be summed up as "hanging out." It was a good weekend.

And I tell myself that one day, hopefully soon, we can resume the more active lifestyle that we normally like to live. As for now, I need to figure out how to texture a wall.


Have a good week!

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