Monday, November 9, 2020

 First things first here: We had Halloween. The kids were out late, as always. They had their trick-or-treating routes planned weeks (in some cases, months) in advance. They had their costumes ready. In other words, things were pretty normal around here. Happy Halloween!

Jackson was a large inflatable T-rex. He definitely got the most comments from strangers.
Lindsey made for a very cute Anna from her favorite movie

Maren, quirky as ever, was a hot dog
Evelyn was Ticci Toby, a creepy pasta character. Kind of dark.

Addy was a human rendition of the Cheshire Cat. Adorable.
Here they are, ready for the night. Cool kids.

Here are a few of our other recent outings:

Evelyn took this picture. She wanted to make sure I gave her credit.

These pictures are from Deep Creek. It's a local hiking/climbing place we were checking out. I think that in the spring I will be spending considerable amounts of time here :).

The next set is from Copper Falls- a hike we did right up near the Canadian border. It was a long drive, but a really pretty area. We had a picnic lunch and I believe everyone had fun.

Jackson was the only one who stood under the water. And yes, that is snow right in front of him. It was cold!

Alright, that's it. Have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. What great Halloween costumes. They are all unusual. Evelyn, you took a great photo. Jack is smiling, but it looks really cold by that waterfall. I love you all.
