Monday, January 28, 2019

Wow...the month of January has come and gone and I haven't done much of an update at all. Truth is, we have fallen into a pretty nice groove since the holidays. School and work are back in full swing. The kids are all in a 10 week ski class, so that takes up much of our Saturdays. We often go skiing in the morning, and then either play with friends or go to the Kroc center in the afternoon to climb/swim. Sunday mornings are pretty much taken up by church, and then, up until recently, football games in the afternoon. On Mondays, the kids go to school and Rach and I have our standing breakfast date, after which she heads off to work and I go to run errands.

It's a nice, easy way of living, but doesn't make for many headline breaking blog posts.

Have a good week!

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