Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Last week I mentioned how I was alone all week while Rachel and the kids were in Las Vegas. They had a great time. At some point, Rachel will come on here and write about it. As for me though, it was sort of a lonely week- especially with Easter, which is much more fun when you have kids to do stuff with.

This week, on the other hand, saw the pendulum swing the other way. Instead of being alone, we had our whole family here, plus the pleasurable company of Rachel's mom who was enjoying her spring break. Rachel and Wendy did lots of stuff together, and as a family we stayed busy when I was home from work.

Here's a few pics:

We went on a walk in the rain. Maren, Jackson, and I climbed to the top of a hill overlooking the river. It was a great view!

The joy of spring!

Wendy bought these magnetic blocks for the kids, which have quickly replaced every other toy and game they have in terms of popularity. The creative juices are definitely flowing.

One of the nights we got a sitter and went out for a nice dinner followed by "Dial M for Murder," at the Civic Theater. 

I think I've written on here for a while about Evelyn's fascination with birds. She started a neighborhood bird-watching club (and is by far it's most enthusiastic member), keeps notebooks on different species, and can tell you pretty much anything you want to know about our avian neighbors here in North Idaho. 

Well, for a long time her and Addy have been saving their money and looking on Craigslist for deals, and finally they were able to get everything they needed to introduce the newest members of our family.

Meet Kiwi and Aquamarine. They live in Evelyn and Addy's room.


On Monday when all the kids were at school, Rachel and I drove up to Wallace and hiked the the Paluski Tunnel trail. It's a little early in the year still so we ran into some snow, but we still made it all the way up to the cave. It was really cool and really pretty.

Have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. Your walk in the rain reminded me of Merced. Do you remember the night it rained so hard and we splashed through the gutters? It was a blast.

    I love that you got birds!! We had one named Kiwi too!! Aquamarine is a good name . . . do you call her Aqua?

    The Paluski Tunnel Trail sounds like a nice way to spend some time together. I'm glad you guys could do that.

    Things sound great and that makes me happy.
