Note: Even if you don't read this blog, please vote on the gingerbread houses. The stakes are enormous! Pictures are at the BOTTOM of this post. Choose your favorite and leave a comment on here, on Facebook, or just tell us in person.
Thank you!
In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving we had a couple notable happenings including a "friendsgiving" at our house, school pictures, parent/teacher conferences, and some exciting developments at work that will come out at a later time. We also did some hiking, went to some movies, had fun on dates, watched a lot of football, and lived the good life up here in North Idaho. I didn't write about these things as they happened because I didn't really feel like it.
Here's school pictures:
(They are all a little bit grainy because they are proofs They did not offer the option for digital downloads and we really only use them for the blog and I could do a better job with my cell phone anyway. Just putting them up here for documentary purposes. It just seems like the expected thing to do.)
Now that we got that stuff out of the way I can write about Thanksgiving. My parents and grandparents came up for the holiday and we had a great time hanging out with them. We had a wonderful time and made some great memories! Here are some pictures to show off the highlights:
Thanksgiving dinner. I don't know why I look like a mentally challenged deer in the headlights, but it's the only photo we had. I guess I'll take one for the team here. |
Hot chocolate at the Coeur d'Alene parade and holiday lighting ceremony at the resort. |
Hiking around in the newly formed Post Falls Community Forest |
Bowling. Can I just say that Rachel is pretty awesome! |
Milkshakes |
Adult night out. We went to dinner and then watched the Ellen Travolta Christmas show at the resort. It was kinda like listening to a staged reading of Chicken Soup for the Soul. |
Gingerbread Houses!
Many people know that we always do an annual gingerbread house competition at our house. The winner is decided by votes. If you are reading this, then that means you, as well as the people who you are with at the time, as well as all of your friends who you are going to show this to. Right? Okay. So, choose your favorite, and let us know which one you like best by leaving a comment here, or on Facebook, or by just telling us in person or on the phone, or via IM, or in an email, or even in a letter that you put in a real mailbox.
Actually, don't do the letter thing. We only check our mail about once a month. But anything else is great- the more votes the better!
This year we have two structures to choose from:
Team A
A lighthouse by the sea. Please take special notice of the furniture inside, the ocean animals, and the "pretzel-work" around the lamp.
Team B
A more traditional Christmas Cottage with Santa landing on the roof. The "guy" on the front is actually supposed to be a bird.
So...which one will it be? Let us know, and have a good week!