Monday, October 10, 2016

Free Dental Day. This is one of my favorite workdays of the year. This is also probably my favorite team I've ever worked with. Cory (Dr. Gaunt), a friend I used to work with, came down to help, and we totally rocked it. The competitive side of me is proud to say that our little office did more work on this day than the other bigger, fuller staffed, and more established Coeur d'Alene office did. Ha! 

Special thanks goes out here to everyone who made this possible. We had fantastic volunteers, not to mention all the local businesses who chipped in and provided food and services, and the local media who helped to advertise the event. All said and done, we did around $15,000 worth of dentistry in about 5 hours, all at no charge to patients whatsoever.

It was a great day.

It was also just a drop in the bucket when it comes to addressing the actual needs that are out there- the ones that can only be addressed adequately through political and media campaigns of the sort that are probably not going to happen any time soon in Idaho. As much as I absolutely love living here, I think there is a lot of improvement that could and should take place...but that's a conversation for another day and another place. For now, I'm just glad that we could do a little bit to help out.

Cory dropped his kids off at our house while he helped me at the office. They had a great time playing with our kids. We need to get together more often.


Autumn time means apples! Here is our annual trip to the farm where we play games, listen to music, drink cider, eat caramel corn, and pick more apples than we could ever eat. Such a fun day!

Those are all dried peas

Nice fashion statement, Ev.

Lindsey and I got a lot of bonding time.

Random stuff:
Date night- checking out a new local diner where Rachel introduced me to an amazing local band she saw earlier this year. 

Rach wasn't feeling too well on Sunday. Ev, Addy, and I went to church (I had to play that week) while Maren and Jack held down the fort. They did a great job taking care of Mom.
Have a good week!

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