Friday, October 2, 2015

Little Miss Sunshine

Once upon a time there was a little family.  This family was not little in size, rather the members were little in stature.  The mom and dad debated whether this little family with four children was complete, or if there was another child who would later join them... Thankfully, these parents decided that there was one more little to be added to create their perfect Hazard family.  Enter Lindsey Kaylin.

Lindsey is sweet sunshine.  I can not get enough of the time we spend playing together, giggling, and just having fun.  When she first met her cousins she was labeled as the "fairy child" because of her small frame and mini pixie like features.  As she has grown she has kept these features and she is as cute as ever.  Also, true to form (all of our girls have been bald until they were at least a year old), we had to wait almost a full year to find out what color Lindsey's hair was going to be. Surprise! It is RED! Logan and I are still trying to figure out where the beautiful red hair is coming from.  Pretty crazy.

Lindsey is walking everywhere now!  With this new skill along with a very active curiosity comes a greater trouble making ability. Last week I accidentally left the Vaseline within Lindsey's reach. In short order she had covered her entire body, most of her crib, her pillow, and numerous blankets.  After a lot of scrubbing and a large load of laundry (the pillow had to be thrown away because there was no hope) the mess was finally cleaned up.  As I walked out of the bedroom I noticed multiple large blue globs on the hallway carpet.  After a little investigation I discovered Lindsey in the bathroom in a large pool of blue toothpaste.  The vaseline covered laundry was soon replaced by the toothpaste smeared bathroom rug and various other items that became unsuspecting victims.  There was, however, a silver lining.  I learned that getting blue toothpaste out of the carpet is a breeze!  Lindsey is definitely a toddler...

For this Lindsey blog I would like to tell you about our sweet girl through pictures.

One of the most unique things about Lindsey is her feet.  They seem to have a personality of their own, and it is very... well.. Lindsey.  When I used to breast feed her she would immediately reach her leg up and do a heel hook across my chest.  This was very cuddly and endearing. In the first picture she was sleeping in her car seat and she managed to hook her foot over the side of the seat before passing out.  Could it be a comfort thing?

Besides hooking her tootsies in strange places, she also uses her feet as an extra set of hands. As a young baby she would lay on her back with a toy and pass it back and forth between her hands and her feet.  At times she would manipulate the toy entirely with her toes and feet. I think feet, in general, are being underutilized.  

 Lindsey enjoys peeping at her tootsies when she is not using them.  For a few months this was the position she preferred while lying down.  She could hold this stance for many minutes at a time, and I am convinced that she has baby abs of steel.  

One of the benefits of being the youngest is that on your first birthday it isn't the first time you get to indulge in something sugary, yummy, and full of delicious empty calories. I recall realizing on Evelyn's first birthday that her cake was one of the first processed sugar indulgences in her short life (Logan may have another story to tell on that one).  Lindsey, on the other hand, has benefited from many moments when her older siblings shared their indulgences.  This is Lindsey's first birthday picture at the park.  I highly recommend the beach setting as it was very easy to wash the kids off when they were finished!

This girl is definitely a "Papa's girl."  This is one of Logan and Lindsey's morning rituals. He carries her to the bathroom and they take turns giggling while pointing at each other in the mirror.  Priceless.

There is just something sweet about sleeping babies.  Lindsey is no exception.  I love sneaking into her room to watch her sleep.  My favorite position is spread eagle with her arms and legs flung out in all directions!  My second favorite is when she is on her belly and her little legs are tucked up under her stomach! I think this is a universal baby sleeping position.  It looks really cozy, but does not work very well with normal person dimensions...
I have always been quite enamored by tiny people who can walk!  On this vein I have always wanted a little tiny walker.  Guess what? Fifth time the charm!  I can not stand how cute this girl is when she toddles around.  I admit that I dress her in tight jeans and leggings so that it accentuates her cute littleness!

Our little Miss is obsessed with all things cuddly.  It is her sole purpose in life to cuddle with anything that is remotely soft.  She accomplishes this in short order by completely eliminating the middle man (actually positioning herself to cuddle) and instantly falls on her face on whatever soft looking object catches her eye.  She even eliminates the extra motion of bending her knees.  She only has eyes for the soft object of desire, and no extra movement is going to hinder her reaching her goal!

I am such a lucky mom!  Now that Evelyn is in school all day, Adalie and Jack have two and a half day kindergarten, and Maren has preschool three mornings a week I have some time all alone with this little sweets! I could catch this pumpkin all day long! With this new schedule I actually have one-on-one time with all of my kids throughout the week. I definitely take full advantage!
Here is a picture of Lindsey during our play time.  Some of our favorite activities are going on walks together, shopping together, playing in and out games. being goofy, and reading books.

On a bit of a sadder note, our sweet Lindsey is one of three of our kids who lost the gene lottery when it comes to eczema.  The last three months have been brutal for her!  Her whole little body has been fighting fiercely and she has handled it like a little trooper.  It does not help that her teeth are pushing their way through at the same time.  We have started putting tights on under her pants so that she can't pull them off and scratch her red swollen feet and ankles.  With the doctor's help we are fighting a good fight, and I see an end in sight!  Unfortunately it may not happen until right before she enters Kindergarten.  I have seen the eczema progression with Jack and with Maren.  I know that it gets better. Hang in there beautiful girl!

Although Lindsey loves to cuddle soft things, she has not been very interested in snuggles from us.   There is too much to see and to do to be bothered with slowing down for some loves.  Lately I have taken it on myself to teach her the art of cuddling. Whenever I tap my neck she will tap with her hands, smile, and lay her cheek against my chest for a few minutes.  This is our little game and I love it!  I have learned that she will rest on me a little bit longer when she is tired.  I treasure these moments.

Lindsey has figured out that some places are meant for her to stay and for us to leave.  Church is one of those places.  When we arrive at the nursery she is instantly in tears.  Yes, these are the saddest heart wrenching tears you have ever heard.  I am comforted by the fact that as soon as we are gone, so are the tears and the fun begins. The silver lining to this sadness is the happy dances and smiles we get when we return!

One memory that I want to have for the rest of my life is of Lindsey's reaction when I came home from Alaska.  I walked in the door and the second she spotted me she began to giggle.  It isn't necessarily normal for her to giggle, and these were not normal giggles.  These were very loud and continuous giggles. Our sweet girl hugged me tight and continued to giggle for half an hour because she couldn't keep all of her joy contained in such a little body.

Have you ever seen someone and thought they bore a strong resemblance to another person you knew?  Have you ever known someone that looked a lot like you?  My mother is that person for me.  We look incredibly similar (as evidenced in the picture).  Since Little L was born I have had another look alike.  There are moments when I catch a glimpse of her and I have do a double take because there is just something about her that gives me the impression that I am looking at a mirror and a much younger version of myself.  It is a strange and beautiful thing. 
Here is a picture of me and my look alike! I wonder if Lindsey will grow up to look just like me!

1 comment:

  1. She is a cutie! We think about her and wonder what she's up to . . . now we know a little. She is a busy little girl. We are blessed to have such a wonderful grandaughter.
