Monday, June 16, 2014

To the love of my life

Logan never ceases to amaze me.  I am so darn lucky that he is my husband! On Father's day I was thinking back on the week I had with Logan and I came to the realization that he is, in fact, Super Dad.  Here is a recap of this week.

Monday night Logan planned a great family night fully equipped with a campfire and smores.  He planned a great lesson and the kids had a blast.

He has been awesome keeping up with the dishes, doing all of my bending (I struggle in that area lately ), and helping me by going up and down our stairs when needed (another area in which I struggle).

On Wednesday Logan rushed to the Kroc center from work to help me juggle the four kids during swimming lessons. When lessons were over he had me sit in the hot tub while he showered the kids and got them ready to go.

Thursday night he took the kids while I went to the chiropractor and enjoyed a ladies night with my meet up group. When I arrived home I took Evelyn on a 'Mama Date' to Pizza Hut because we had filled up her 'Moma time' sticker chart.  I have dates planned with Adalie and Jackson this month as well.  

On Friday afternoon he had his weekly Papa afternoon with the kids while I worked.  Every week he does an activity with them and then goes to the Kroc center for rock climbing for an hour alone and for an hour on a 'Papa date' with one of the kids while the others are in play care. When I arrived home on Friday he had cleaned up the entire house, vacuumed upstairs, downstairs, and the stairs, and cleaned both bathrooms.  Really?  I am the most pampered woman ever!

When I arrived home on Friday night he had the car packed and was ready to take Adalie camping.  Oh yeah... This month he decided to take each of the older three kids on individual special camping trips.  The kids love this!  Logan and Adalie arrived at the camping site, hiked around together for a while and spent the night in the tent telling spooky stories.  It rained the entire night and when they woke up it was off to I-hop for a special breakfast (in leu of a campfire breakfast).  I must say that this was a perfect fit for our Adalie.  Of course Logan's phone battery died and we have no pictures!

Saturday we had a lazy morning with the kids, went swimming at the Kroc Center as a family, and had a wonderful date night that evening.  Perfect.

What a great week to show what an amazing person Logan is.  He is a wonderful father and husband.

Brag moment- On top of all the the great things he does at home he is really excelling at rock climbing!  Many of you don't know, but when Logan was in high school he climbed a lot and was even given an opportunity to make some money at it.  He did a lot of climbing in Provo, but when we moved to Cleveland there were no opportunities available.  We have climbed off an on at Q'emlin park in the Summertime, but nothing really extensive.  A few months ago we got Kroc Center passes which included free access to a climbing wall, and he decided to start climbing regularly again.  In the midst of being a great husband, father, and business owner he is in the best climbing shape of his life.  He won't tell you this, but it has come to the point that whenever he goes to the Kroc center one of the regulars or staff members has another climb that they set up specifically for Logan.  He has yet to leave without completing each of these climbs.  I am very impressed.

Father's Day
Logan deserved a very special day just for him.  He started his morning with breakfast in bed created by the kids, and then off to church.  After church he took the three older kids hiking at Q'emlin park while I had some Maren time at home.  Maren and I had a great time making a rib dinner along with Logan's favorite chocolate chip cookies. We topped off dinner with a hershey's chocolate pie (his favorite).

After dinner we did presents and Logan told the kids a bedtime story.  The story was about a very lucky dad who had four kids named Evelyn, Adalie, Jackson, and Maren.  The Papa in the story was kidnapped right after the kids had made breakfast in bed for him.  The kids followed clues and had to think of passwords that were related to how well they knew their Papa.  In the end the kids were able to rescue him because they knew him so well.  What a great story from a wonderful Papa and husband!

Funny kid moments- Lately the kids have been getting a kick out of the fact that Logan and I kiss each other on the mouth.  Probably three times a week we get requests from one or more kids that we kiss each other.  Afterwards there is a little bit of giggling and then one of them announces, "Wow.  You sure do love each other!" Very true. Very true.

Logan- You are my best friend and I love you with all of my heart!

1 comment:

  1. Great job Logan. It is good to hear details about what a great dad and husband you are.
