Monday, February 3, 2014

Hooray for the working mom!

I have to say, I am so proud of Rachel. She is doing amazing things. For those who don't know, she has started working at Sorenson, which is a video relay service for Deaf people. It takes "Jedi knight interpreting skills" to get this job since interpreters are asked to be able to do pretty much anything that comes their way without a moment's notice. In other words, the very fact that she has this job is a huge indicator of the level of proficiency that she is able to work at. This week she has finished up her mandatory training period, and is now officially on the phones. 

Besides this, she has also been invited onto a committee that organizes most of the continuing education for the interpreters in our region. She has already attended her first meeting, and her input is being heard. Next month, she will be using our conference room at Heartwood to host a seminar for the interpreting community. 

But wait- there's more! Despite all of this, she is still a community interpreter as well. She is officially self employed (with a business license and everything), and has clients who regularly request her over other interpreters in our area. She also helps out at the local college doing educational interpreting when the need arises. 

In other words, my wife totally rocks! She is classy. She is skilled. She is well-rounded. She is amazing. And she is married to me. How did I get so lucky?

Also, I have to say that while I am excited for her to dive into all of this, I am just as excited for our kids. I am excited for them to see a father AND a mother who contribute to the community in meaningful ways. I am excited for them to see that their father AND their mother can get a sense of fulfillment from their chosen professions. I am excited for them to have a role model in BOTH parents for nurturing them at home, as well as for achieving great things outside of the home. Especially our girls. I am glad that Rachel can be an example to them of a woman who is both an amazing mom as well as an accomplished professional. I think it is important for them to see that this is a very real possibility, and is something that they can and should strive for if that is what they want out of life.

Now, I realize that we are in a unique situation. I am grateful that we are in a position where Rachel and I can both choose our own hours at work while at the same time we making pretty good money doing things that we love doing (actually, Rachel makes even more than I do if you break it down hourly). We have worked hard and sacrificed a lot to get to this point, and now that work is paying off. I love that I can be a part-time stay-at-home dad while Rachel goes to work, and the relationship this is allowing me to build with my kids. I love that our entire family is able to get involved with our community on so many different levels. I love all of this. 

Thank you, Rachel, for making it a possibility. I love you.


  1. I love Rachel too, and I am equally proud of her for all the same reasons you mentioned. Good for her! What an amazing role model she is.

  2. I am so proud of you Rachel. You are excellent at your profession and as a wife and mother. Rachel, you jump right in and do so very many things not only well, but excellent. I sure love you.
