Sunday, January 12, 2014

This morning Evelyn ran over to me and happily stated, "Good luck to your eyeballs Mom!"  I am not sure where this phrase came from, but all of our kids picked up on it and have been giving well wishes to each other's eyeballs.  Adalie informed me this afternoon that I was a bad guy if she told me, "Good luck to your eyebrows."  I sure love these kids!

Happy, sweet, independent Maren has taken to fits of crying lately.  She is learning that when she cries and throws a fit she gets to sit in a chair until she is finished.  This has been extremely difficult, but not for the reasons you are thinking... Evelyn, Adalie, and Jackson sure love their little sister and they hate to see her sad.  Whenever I put her in the chair and turn around I come back to find her surrounded by toys, blankets, and sometimes her paci.  A, J, and E are very innocent as they explain that it makes them sad to hear Maren cry.  We have had some conversations about how they think we should teach Maren not to throw fits.  They agree that she needs to know that the behavior is unacceptable, but I still find them running to get little treasures at  Maren's time outs!

Our kids are kind of deprived of television.  They are limited to our selection of Veggie Tales, Planet Earth, assorted scripture movies, Disney, and a few other random choices.  We also rent a kids movie for our monthly Family Pizza Movie night that has become a fun tradition. TV time is pretty limited and I like it this way.  However, the reason I mention this is because I have actually come to see some positive things that come directly from television watching.  Our kids, like most other kids, are excellent at creating imaginative play together.  I have noticed that after they watch a movie they come up with a lot of new ideas involving the characters from the movies.  I think this is a great way for them to figure out how to get into the minds of different characters with unique perspectives and ideas.  I hear them talk about the kinds of decisions each character would make and the way each character would think. I like to believe this will help them as they meet new people with different personalities. Another great benefit of movie watching with kids is that it is the perfect opportunity for Mommy cuddle time!  Sometimes if I am having a hard day I will turn on a movie and take turns cuddling with each of my sweet kids.  It is rejuvenating!  Sometimes I don't even mind sick days because it translates into 'cuddle with mommy days.'

Edit: I have to insert here that Bill Nye the Science Guy has become a favorite TV show as well. Youtube is great! :)

If I didn't know that it was January I would think Spring had arrived in Post Falls.  We have had a very rainy week, and the next ten days range from low to high 40's.  Tomorrow should be 47 degrees and that means we will probably be going to the park!  Happy January.


  1. I'm happy to hear the kids taking care of each other. TV shows and movies can introduce interesting topics for conversation. It is a good way to teach lots of good principles.

  2. Love those cute kids...and their parents!

  3. AJ and E is a creative way to refer to those three. They go together like PJ and B. Grandpa loves those guys!
