Sunday, May 13, 2012

Well, I guess I need to get back in the habit of doing this blog every Sunday. I've been doing it faithfully for almost 6 years now, and I guess after establishing that kind of momentum you just can't stop. Still...I have to say that I've enjoyed the extra free time on Sunday afternoons during this past month or so.

So, obviously today is Mother's day. What did we do? Nothing. Nada. Zip. You see, there were no mothers around. I'm not sure, but this may be the first Mother's day in my life where nobody on "my bench" at church received flowers. Of course we made some phone calls, but really, the day was about the same as almost every other Sunday.

Except for the obvious and ever-present absence of a Mother.

Rachel is in St. George, Utah. She flew down there on Friday to be a part of a surprise birthday party for her grandma and to see some of her extended family. From phone calls it sounds like she is having a great time, but I am going to have to let her tell that story. As for me, it has been a fun-filled Daddy weekend with the kids. We went to the park, we visited the library, we played in the back yard, we did projects around the house, we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, we watched movies and ate pizza, we made messes and cleaned them up, we went on a pretty drive, and we bought a new kayak! It was a good weekend.

Oh- and I have to say that I love my job! That's all.

Here are some pictures of my new boat. Specs: Boat=Jackson Star. Length=5'6". Weight=28lbs. Awesome! Oh- and forgive the pictures- I was having too much fun playing with my photo editing software.

For those who know me, you know that I love kayaking! And for those who know me well, you know that it has been a while since I was able to do so regularly. The reasons for this are varied, but mostly boil down to the fact that other priorities in my life right now make big trips very difficult to do very often. Then we moved to the perfect little town of Post Falls, ID. We live 5 minutes (or less) from two kayaking playspots that have long been destination spots for serious playboaters and rodeo competitions (not with horses- although we have lots of those too). A part of the popularity of these playspots is their easy access, and the fact that they are both PERFECTwaves/holes in an otherwise VERY calm part of the river (like, you could paddle or swim upstream with very little effort).

What this means for me? Well, first of all, I will be spending a lot of time with my new boat. I can litterally go out for a play session in the morning, come home for a quick shower, and still make it to work by 8. I think I'll be doing a lot of this. Also, flat water can now be fun to kayak in, so I'll be bringing it to the beach when we go as a family. Second of all, this is made even easier by the fact that the boat fits in the back seat of my car. No rack, truck bed, or trailer required. Just my little Prizm. Third, my creek boat has been relegated to the rafters in the garage. I will always have it around for those big trips, but I don't think I'll be getting much more use out of it. And fourth-- I need/get to learn how to do this freestyle business! I'm excited!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is a pretty little boat! You've come a long way since your very first kayak that was as long as our house. Sounds like you had a great time with the kids,but I'll bet everything will just be better when Rachel gets back.
