Sunday, May 27, 2012

It's been a good week. We had a BBQ yesterday. We went garage-saleing (my word). It was good.

But the real highlight this week (for me at least) is my shop. Now that Summer is almost in full swing I have been putting a lot of time into setting this up, and it is really starting to take shape nicely. It is my man-cave/office/wood shop/shooting range/gym/climbing wall and I am enjoying the time I have spent there. One of these days I'll post pictures or something.

For lack of something else to write about, I am going to mention my lesson I taught in church today. For those who don't know, I am the ward mission leader, and as a part of this calling I have to get to have the opportunity of preparing a lesson for the gospel essentials class every week. Well, this week the lesson was on "Work and Personal Responsibility," which happens to be one of my favorite topics. See, I have known so many people who, if they would just embrace this one simple principal, would be able to totally transform their lives. And I love that the church sees this as one of the core values of the gospel. It is so...practical. I love it!

So here's my question: Why do so many people NOT GET IT? Why are there so many who refuse to ACT and take control of their own lives? Especially in my own generation (I'm sorry to say), why are there vast numbers of twenty-to-thirty-somethings who are still living at home and waiting for life to happen to them?

News flash- It's not going to! Nobody is going to come knocking on your door offering you the opportunity of a lifetime. Playing video games all day and counting your Facebook friends is not a substitute for real relationships with real people. And you aren't just going to wake up one morning with knowledge or skills that weren't there before. I'm sorry to break it to you, but it's just not gonna' happen. And the longer you sit there thinking that life is all rainbows and lollipops without any work or responsibility, the deeper the hole is going to be that you are one day going to have to dig yourself out of...because nobody else is going to do it for you.

So wake up already. Act like a grown up and take control! Especially you guys- I don't know why, and I hate to say it, but it seems that guys seem to have a harder time with this than women. Listen- It's time to man up, put on your big-boy pants, roll up your sleeves, and get to work! Seriously, your pathetic excuse for a life is really just your own stupidity, or laziness (or both), and it is not doing anyone, much less yourself, any favors. If not for your sakes, then do it for the sakes of your friends and families- ESPECIALLY if you are married. Your wives and children (present or future) deserve more.

Okay, I am now concealing my soapbox neatly back under my bed. I wasn't allowed to say that during my lesson at church, so I needed an outlet.

Have a good week!


  1. No kidding! Come give that lesson in my ward.

  2. Can't wait to see your climbing gym/shooting range. Do you give Evelyn a head start before you start shooting? I bet she's fast!
    Love Dad
