Sunday, March 18, 2012

It's been another good week for us, which is saying something since this was the first week since Maren was born that we didn't have family staying with us the whole time. I know, it's crazy. Maren is over 5 weeks old, and we are just barely weaning ourselves off the constant help from others. We have been spoiled.

So, how did we do? Well, thanks to Rachel's Super-Jedi-Knight-Power-Rangers-Xena-Warrior-Princess-Mothering Skills, we did Great! Really, there isn't a whole lot more to say. Life is fun. We are just living it and loving it. We love the spring time. My job is going better than anybody ever could have hoped it would. Rachel is able to get out of the house frequently to be social and stuff. We have really good kids who *mostly* listen to what we say. Our cars still run (knock on wood). Oh- and our microwave finally got fixed.

We're happy.

...And we now know once and for all how reliant we are on the microwave.

Our activity of the week was going to the annual Sportsman's Expo in Spokane! This was cool. It was this giant gathering of red necks who were all decked out in camoflauge talking about guns and antlers and stuff. There was constant bugling and quacking from the vendors selling their game calls. There were live bears. There were lots of booths with hunting and fishing videos showing. There were demonstrations. There were men (and women) who still smelled like the animals they hunted (you know what that means, right?). This was an awesome place, and there were litterally hundreds upon hundreds of people who showed up for the event. Matt, you should have been there.

And then there was us, with our Cadillac of a stroller which comfortably seats all four of our children, slowly making our way through it all. Man, it was great! The best part was listening to people comment about us in hushed voices that weren't quite hushed enough. Some people, however, don't even try to be discrete. One woman pointed her finger right at us, and bellowed in a loud voice "Look! They have four of those things!  We have six, but we have four adults." By "those things" I'm not sure if she was referring to us, our children, or our stroller, but either way I love this!

I've said it before, and I'll say it over and over again...I love my life!

Here's Rachel. The kids thought this wall was the coolest thing.

Here's me and Addy looking at the live bears.


  1. Happy 5 weeks to Maren! The show looked like a lot of fun. Spokane has a lot of fun things to do.

  2. You guys are amazing! I'm so glad things are going smoothly for you, but I really can't say I'm surprised. Rachel really is a the Mother of all Super Heroes. And by the way, she's looking great in that picture.

  3. "Rachel really is a the Mother of all Super Heroes"

    --Evelyn would agree

  4. You look great Rachel. I am so happy you finally got the microwave fixed. Not having one made me appreciate mine.

    "Four of those things!" When people said stuff like that to Lorin, my brother with ten kids, he would smile and say, "The world needs kids like mine."

    Love you.
