Sunday, February 5, 2012

Well- yesterday we finally made a decision that will have major implications for our little family. We converted Addy and Jackson's cribs into toddler beds. I know, I know- this conversion is long overdue. It was just so convenient to be able to put them in bed and know that if they wanted out they would at least have to put some major effort into it accompanied by a 4 foot fall to the ground. This proposition was usually enough to keep Jackson pretty well contained (he knows what's good for him). Addy...Not so much. In either case, we finally broke down and decided that they are old enough to handle the freedom. So far it has gone really well, and I have to admit that it was nice that they could get out of bed by themselves this morning instead of screaming for Rachel or I to come and get them.

I'm just worried that it's a slippery slope though. You know- you give an inch and they take a yard. You let them think they are growing up and suddenly they will want to be potty trained, and to be pouring their own milk into their cereal in the morning, and they might even refuse to sit in their car seats at times in favor of the "grown-up chairs" that they see us sitting in. I just don't think I'm prepared for all that. Not with our new baby coming in just a couple of weeks.

...Oh wait- they already do all that stuff. We are in for a ride!

Actually, all three of our kids have been really, really good lately. Addy and Jack are starting to act more grown up, but in good ways. They don't demand nearly as much of our attention as they used to, they are learning how to clean up after themselves, they are able to enjoy more advanced activities like crafts and longer story books, and they are even starting to understand the concept of sharing. Life is good.

In this post, I want to highlight Evelyn for a while. She is amazing. As I write this, she is in her room playing by herself for "quiet time." I can hear her singing the song "Nephi's Courage" (from primary)...All three verses! I have never known a kid her age who can memorize things so quickly. Here's another example: We frequently go to the library and bring home new books to read with her. It is not too uncommon that after reading a story to her only once, she will turn around and "read" the book to Addy and Jack almost word for word. It's the same with primary songs- sing it once and she's got it. Now, if only she could figure out how to carry a tune, we might be tempted to put her on American Idol or something. I guess we can't all be good at everything.

In the last paragraph I mentioned books. When it comes to books, there is nothing that she loves quite as much as "Callie Cat, Ice Skater." It is, as one might guess from the title, about a cat named Callie who likes to ice skate. Whenever Evelyn finishes reading this book, she gets up and "ice skates" around the house, jumping and twirling the way Callie does. Well, a couple of weeks ago, Rachel decided to surprise Evelyn and take her ice skating for real at the public outdoor rink in Spokane. Evelyn LOVED it! The whole time she was on the ice she kept talking about how she was just like Callie Cat- and even though she didn't do any jumps, she had a wonderful time. She still talks about her date with Mama whenever we read that story.

Besides books, Evelyn also loves stories and she has a very active imagination. Her favorite ones to are about Addy and Jane, the monster fighting duo. Rachel and I tell her one of these stories at least once a day. So far, among others, they have banished the bat monster, pillow monster, snowman monster, messy monster, blanket monster, tomato monster (although Clifford The Big Red Dog had to help with that one), dirty sock monster, rock monster, sand monster, scissors monster, a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and one grumpy old man from the little town of Post Falls.

Another thing about Evelyn- she is turning into an awesome big sister. The other day, Rachel went downstairs to get Addy and Jack from their naps, only to discover that they had ripped the books that she gave them. She got pretty mad at them, and by the end of it all I think everyone was in tears.

Enter Evelyn-
She went over to Addy and gently explained to her that we can't rip books because Heavenly Father blessed us with nice things. She then explained that we have to take care of our things or He will be sad. Finally, she told Addy to kneel down. "You have to tell Heavenly Father that you are sorry."
Evelyn: Say, "Heavenly Father"
Addy: Heavenly Father
Evelyn: I'm sorry
Addy: I'm sorry
Evelyn: In the name of Jesus Christ, amen
Addy: In mumble mumble Christ, amen

She then followed up in like manner with Jackson.

Here's another fun little story- Last week some friends had invited us over for dinner. Rachel had told Evelyn that we were going, and Evelyn was very excited to be able to go over to her friend's house. Therefore, it came as a hard blow when, at the last minute, they had to cancel. After being sad about it for a little while, Evelyn went over to Addy and tenderly broke the news. "Addy- you need to sit down and look at me for a minute."
She did.
"Addy- you know how we were going over to our friend's house? Well, it looks like we can't do that any more. I know it's sad, but don't worry, okay. We'll play with them another time."
Addy just sort looked at her, but with an expression that somehow seemed appropriate for the gravity of the situation at hand.
"Addy- are you going to be okay?"
To this, Addy responded with her alien voice, "Yea."

Evelyn then went over to Jackson and broke the hard news in similar fashion.

She is such a good sister and I am excited that relationships are developing between siblings. It will be interesting to see how Marin fits into the picture and to watch the interactions between our kids develop even further as they share the common goals of caring for/helping with/competing with/stepping on/cuddling with our new addition to the family.

Well, this post has gone on for a while. I guess it sort of ran away with me. Here are just a couple of pictures. As for us, life continues to be a blessing. Rachel is doing great with the pregnancy (although she is definitely ready for it to be over). I am loving my new job. Kids are as crazy as ever. Things couldn't be better.

Addy definitely takes after my sister, Allison. This is about as close as she comes to "playing" in the snow. Jackson, on the other hand, either wouldn't know or wouldn't care if he was outside in nothing but a diaper. I swear to you, I don't think he is capable of feeling cold. The only problem with him is getting him to come back in the house when it's time to be done. It's funny how kids can be so alike, and yet so different.


  1. I'm still laughing about Evelyn! What a good big sister she is, and how lucky for you that she's teaching them correct principles in such a loving way. She must've had good examples to follow. I also love the picture of Addy all bundled up and that's as far as she goes for playing in the snow. Allison would be so proud!

  2. Wow, Evelyn sure is a smart, loving big sister. She has heard loving words spoken to her when she was upset. It is great that she cares about her brother and sister. I can't wait to come and see all of you. Rachel, I hope you are feeling well.

  3. Great post! I sure do love my grandkids! Give them all hugs from me. Love Grandpa.

  4. Every time I read your blog I think how alike Addy and I are! I think she is the only one with any sense :) Can't wait to see you guys!
