Sunday, April 17, 2011

It is 10:15 at night. I have this nagging feeling though, that if I do not do the blog tonight, that it will not get done. Also, this week actually held a few blog-worthy events that I want to make sure I get down before they seem insignificant. So here goes...

First of all, Jackson does an amazingly cute impression of a lion. He makes claws with his hands, puts his arms up over his head, and growls. When he does this he sounds like an old man who has a chain-smoking habit. It's pretty good, and I sure do love my Jackson Man.

Next: Adalie is really good at signing "I love you." It has sort of become our thing. We will look at each other and sign "I love you," and then touch finger to finger, and then run our fingers up each other's arms and tickle each other. I know it sounds super cheesy, and it would be if Adalie were, say, my girlfriend in high-school. But she is my 1-year-old daughter who I cherish and who has found a cute way to connect with her daddy so I will embrace this. I sure do love that girl.

Evelyn got to go on a date with both me and Rachel this afternoon. A friend works for the Cleveland Orchestra and she got us tickets to "Peter and the Wolf." So today after church we put Addy and Jack down for nap time and brought Evelyn to the show. She loved it! She was very good for the whole thing. The wolf music sort of scared her, but at the end she said that the wolf was her favorite character. On the way home we had fun looking for "popcorn trees." I sure do love that girl.

Also, I think I will have the "Peter" theme in my head for the next two weeks. Drat! (I've been looking for an excuse to use that word.

Evelyn also got to host a "Tangled Party" this week. Shannon (Rachel's sister) sent her the movie "Tangled," along with a Rapunzel costume, several Rapunzel accessories, and some candy. Well, it just so happened that this package arrived on the same day that we were babysitting several of Evelyn's friends. So that night we had 8 kids at our house (including ours), and we had a movie night. It was fun, and I actually ended up liking the movie more than I thought I would.

Rachel spent most of her Saturday attending a workshop for interpreting. She had a lot of fun and learned a lot. The most important thing that I think she learned, however, is how good an interpreter she actually is. I am so proud of her accomplishments in this field and I think that it is very cool that she has this part of her that she can develop totally for herself. She does so much for me and the kids that it makes me happy when I see her doing this. I know she loves it, and it makes me love her even more.

As for me, I attended my first deaf performance on Saturday. It was a story-teller, and the tables were sort of turned because this time they had an interpreter there to help the hearing people who didn't know sign language (me) to follow along. It was actually pretty good. I don't think I have ever seen someone be so expressive without using any words before. Pretty incredible. It also looked pretty exhausting.

And that pretty much sums up our week. We have just started packing for this move but we still haven't totally figured out how we are doing it yet. Actually, we don't even know if we will have a place to move all of our stuff too. The next month is going to be very interesting. The next three months, even more so. Life is exciting.

Here's me and Evelyn at "Peter and the Wolf"

The Tangled Party

I just had to put this up. She has been able to say her ABCs for some time now, but I still think it is super cute every time. The dress she is wearing is the one she got from Shannon this week. And yes, Addy and Jack are crying in the background.

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