Thursday, July 15, 2010

Picture Update

Bring on the pictures! I am amazed at how much our sweet kids have grown. Sit back and enjoy the pcitures.

Jackson loves to figure out how things work. He is very focused until he finds out how to manipulate the toy or object to get his desired effect. Jack is happy, smiley, and getting more talkative. He is much happier now that his bottom two teeth have finally come in. Evelyn wanted a bottle so that she could lay down and be like Adalie and Jack.
Evelyn found one of the dresses that was in the 'next size up' bag for Adalie. She had it on in seconds. She LOVES dress up and is often trying on Jack and Addy's clothes. In the bottle picture above she is actually wearing Adalie's pants.
Evelyn and Austin get along so well! I love watching these two giggle together and play. They are often jumping, dancing, and trying to copy the other's antics. Do you recognize Evelyn's shirt?

After some very focused preparation time and careful arrangements Evelyn presented the "face" she created. She pointed to the train track and excitedly said, "Eyebrows!" Then she proceeded to label every piece of the face. She has a slight obsession with eyebrows lately. Have you ever noticed that Winnie the Pooh has eyebrows? She has.

Happiness with Mom before the fireworks began. Evelyn was SO excited to see the 'pretty' fireworks.

Adalie is our happy little talker. She loves to babble, sing and dance.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for pictures! I can't believe how grown up Jack and Addy are getting. Jack has so much hair! And, no, I never did realize that Winnie the Pooh has eyebrows. That Evelyn is so smart! We are counting down the days until we can see you all in person!
