Sunday, April 11, 2010

Evelyn has become Daddy's little sou chef. It's really cute, and I love making dinner with her. Tonight we're doing chicken tikka masala with naan bread. I can't wait. She loves making bread.

So, this week I am in pain. I had a root canal, and then it got infected, so now I'm popping pills left and right to try to control the pain and the swelling until they can go back in and fix the thing. I've never had a root canal before, but I've always heard about how horrible they could be. During the procedure I was thinking it wasn't so bad and figured that people were just babies- but then the novocaine wore off and I have been in pain ever since. I guess it's a good experience overall; it certainly gives me a greater appreciation for what my patients are going through.

Also, Rachel and I are still going to our Tuesday night dance classes. We were only planning on going for six weeks, but then we found another couple that is willing to trade babysitting with us every week so we decided to keep going. We have graduated into the "advanced" class now and we anxiously look forward to Tuesdays and the time that we can devote to each other without any other distractions.

Babies and Evelyn are all doing great. Jack and Addy are starting to show more personality and it is fun to actually interact with them rather than simply take care of them. Evelyn just gets cuter by the day.

The other day we went shopping and when we got home Evelyn was "helping" us to put away groceries. It was so incredibly cute. Of course she didn't put things where they actually go- those places are all well out of reach- but she would happily move things into the lower cupboards and shelves. The whole time she was singing and giggling and Rachel and I just sat gazing at her and contemplating how lucky we were as parents. And then Evelyn pressed the button to open the microwave and the door came flying open and whacked her right in the eye and knocked her over. Evelyn burst into tears and I ran over to hug her and thought about how there is nothing sadder than watching a happy child who is abruptly betrayed by a cruel world without any warning. Life just isn't fair sometimes. Bad things shouldn't happen to happy kids.

There really isn't a lot more that happened this week. I have to admit that I've sort of been a boring person to be around lately. I even bore myself sometimes. Stupid tooth. Now I think I'll go and get some more Ibuprofen and lay down on the couch for a while...

This is exactly what I am talking about. Addy was being so giggly and was bobbing up and down to the music and dancing and really getting into it. It was very cute. But then we go to take a video of it and sort of don't realize what is going on until it is too late. I repeat- Bad things shouldn't happen to happy kids. Even if it is sort of funny.

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