Monday, January 11, 2010

What a week! Rachel's family was still in town and a lot of what we did revolved around them and showing off our town. It didn't help that it is the middle of winter, and it snowed the whole time, but we had fun anyway. Rachel took them all out to the West Side Market where they bought more fruit then we could ever eat. They also went to Kirtland, Lakeview Cemetary, and the Rock-and-Roll Hall of Fame. At night times we had fun cooking together, eating together, and watching movies. It was wonderful having so much help with the kids which sort of helped us ease back into being home again. All told, it was a wonderful visit. Even though they are family, we still feel like we got to know each one of them a little bit more, and that we were able to create some memories that will help tie us together as we are all going our separate ways.

On Monday my Christmas vacation officially ended when I had to return to school. It was sort of a reluctant return to normal life, especially since Rachel's whole family was still here doing fun things every day. By the end of the day, however, I had changed my outlook. I had forgotten how much I loved this stuff! Call me nerdy, but I actually had so much fun that I was already looking forward to the next day. I know it sounds weird, especially since dentistry is not exactly toted as the most glamorous profession, but I love it.

Anyway, Rachel's family flew out on Friday (it was supposed to be Thursday, but their flight was cancelled due to bad weather) and now we are trying to establish a routine again. Apparently, routine at our house means complete chaos, seeing as all three kids decided to get sick as soon as our help (Rachel's family) said goodbye. Evelyn is the worse; she had a fever of 104 and is miserable. Poor girl. Rachel is taking them in to the doctor today, so hopefully things get better for them soon.

So as not to end on such a bad note, I'll post some pictures of our wonderful week. We really had a great time with the Almonds.

Rachel's Family: "Cleveland is Awesome!"

Eva: "I love bath time!"

Brandon: "My nieces/nephew are the cutest kids in the world!"

Jackson: "Look at me- I'm cute!"

Rachel's siblings: "Look at us- we're...uh...cute?"

Addy: "I can't put my arms down!"

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