Sunday, August 16, 2009

This has been a great week. We have been getting back into the routine of school and it is sort of nice to have things back to normal. Rachel is doing fantastic with the pregnancy- our doctor said that this is officially the best twin pregnancy he has ever seen. Despite this, however, she has been pretty sore lately. Somehow she still manages to get out and be pretty active considering that she is just three-and-a-half weeks away from her delivery date. She even spent a full morning walking around the zoo on Monday (and a full afternoon recovering from it).

Friday was my birthday, and I can honestly say that it was wonderful. Rachel took me out to eat at Applebees and she gave me some cool tools that I have been wanting. My parents also got me a BBQ grill. We love BBQ and so we are excited to have something a little bigger than our hibachi grill to cook on.

Evelyn is as cute as ever. She is growing so fast. In three days she will be a year and a half old, but it's hard to imagine what our lives were like without her. She is definitely our little bugaboo. Right now she is getting molars...again. Rachel and I have decided that babies seem to ALWAYS be teething. Evelyn just finishes with one tooth when another one starts to erupt. Poor girl. Have you ever seen molars after they first come in??? They have about six spikes on them that have to burst through the gums. It's like something out of a horror movie!

Here's our sweet girl in a very ticklish mood!

Here are some birthday pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad everything is going so well! It sounds like you are going to get your 9-9-09 babies ;-) We can totally sympathize with the teething thing, Jeffrey is getting two molars and another front bottom tooth right now. Poor babies!
