Sunday, August 30, 2009

The last hurrah

We were talking the other day and realized that our days are limited before we have these babies. Rachel's Mom is comming in a week, and just three days later we'll be at the hospital. Crazy. This realization made us decide, also, that we needed to take advantage of this Saturday. So we went to Pittsburgh.

We figured that we've never really been to Pittsburgh before, and now was as good a time as any to see what the city had to offer. So we got in the car and 2 hours and 1 package of Oreo cookies later we were driving around in a maze of freeways trying to figure out where we were in this crazy city.
There is a lot to do in Pittsburgh, and we only had one day to do it in. We decided on the Children's museum first, because that seemed to be best for the whole family: Evelyn would love it, it's in relatively confined place so Rachel could sit down and still see what was going on, and I could use Evelyn as an excuse for allowing my inner child to go wild with the cool things they had to play with. We ended up spending most of the day there.

After the Children's museum, we decided to go to IKEA. I know, you're probably wondering why we would want to go to a furniture store. Well, neither Rachel nor myself have ever been to IKEA, and we had heard from several sources that it was this magical land of fun. So, although we were a little skeptical about it, we went to see what the place had to offer.

Our conclusion: It's a furniture store. I'm sorry if you are a "Fan of IKEA" on facebook (if you are, you may check out the official IKEA fan club- yes, it's a real club, meant to "personalize your IKEA experience"), but I just wasn't that impressed. We even got some mac-n-cheese for Evelyn at the IKEA restaurant. It was mushy. And all of the furniture looked as if the manufacturers have a limited selection of rectangular blocks with which to make it from. Evelyn, on the other hand, loves the place. It was like a wonderland of fun for her to run around in and try out all the beds/couches, or hide between the area rugs and then jump out squealing and giggling.
So, that was pretty much our Saturday. It was fun and we will have to head back "the Burgh" sometime and see what else the city has to offer. In the meantime, we are just enjoying life and looking forward to meeting our little ones.
This was when we were just playing around at home. She was so cute!

The Pittsburgh Children's Museum was a fun place for everyone!

Evelyn is a Fan of IKEA

Here's our girl resting on my head at the end of a long day.

And here is one of the last belly pictures before the arrival of the twins (35.5 weeks)

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