Sunday, July 19, 2009

Vacation Time!

Vacation time! Yay! For those who don't know, I just finished summer session of my third year of dental school. That means that I have sort of started working as a dentist. I go to only an hour or two of class each day, and then I work the rest of day in my "office" (a cubicle). I see my own patients and basically I do everything a real dentist would do. Of course, I have to clear everything with a licensed dentist before I actually go forward with the work. It has been fun getting to see what all this education is leading to, and I really enjoy working with my patients. I definately think that I chose the right profession because I am loving it.

But I am still really excited for this vacation. I have three weeks to relax and hang out with my family. My parents, grandparents, and sister are all coming to visit us in a week and we are really looking forward to that.

Anyway, this week has been a fun, busy week. I was busy getting things tied up with my patients. Rachel had a baby shower that her friends put together. She also went to the children's museum for a couple of days with Evelyn. We are both ready to relax now.

Here is the set-up for Rachel's baby shower. The theme was "2 peas in a pod" as you can see from the sign. Speaking of our "2 peas," Rachel just announced to me that she was dribbling Jackson's head inside her belly. That's sort of wierd.

Here's Evelyn at the Children's museum learning how to take care of babies. She will be a great sister... as soon as she learns not to chew on their heads.

The museum also has a water table- a big table (like the size of a large room) with waterfalls, fountins, and spouts for the kids to play in. Evelyn loves it!

This is Eva's "Hug." I think she does this because this is what position she is in when we are hugging her. Funny girl!

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