Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Marvelous Six Months!

Evelyn is six months old today. We love her so much and we have created a tribute to her. Evelyn is a very talkative baby, and I have wanted to catch all of her cute sounds on video.

Here is what a day in Evelyn Kate Hazard's life looks and sounds like.


  1. This had me going back down memory lane with Eliza. Back when it was a 2:1 parent to kid ratio. It's good you've got this on video to remember. Without yours I would have forgotten.

    Are you one of those moms that uses corn syrup to put a bow or something in her hair for church? Chrissy used to do that.


  2. I have never thought about using corn syrup to place bows. I just made her a bunch of headbands and I just might be tempted to use it if she wiggles right out of them :). I am glad the video reminded you of good things with your sweet girl.

  3. Hah she's so cute and getting so big! 6 months is such a fun age huh? I love that I can just sit luke on the floor and he'll play, crawl around, pull him self up on things and keep himself entertained while I blog! haha jk. No but it's so much fun! She's a doll!

  4. I never did say how awsome that video was! If Dentistry doesn't work out go for film making! So cute, we love her Orka noise!
