Sunday, September 23, 2007

Monkeying around!

Logan always keeps me on my toes, and our home is never boring! While I was making dinner tonight I noticed that Logan was moving the flower (He brought me flowers yesterday!) centerpiece off of our table. I walked in to see what he was doing and he climbed on the table and bent his head over the end and proceeded to maneouver his body underneath the table and back up on the other side without touching the ground. I had the camera close by and was able to get a few good pictures that I just had to share. Logan is so much fun and I love being married to him!
After he was finished he told me about a game he plays with himself when I am not home and he is bored. He starts at one end of the house and navigates himself through the entire house without touching the ground. He also sets limits for himself such as making kitchen chairs off limits.
I am not sure if his monkey tendencies are from climbing, or if he loves climbing because of it! Many of you may have not seen this side of Logan, but he is great fun to live with!

Logan later told me that he set a limit for himself to not use his hands and instead use different parts of his body for balance (in this case it was his forearms).
I hope this made you smile! Have a wonderful day.


  1. that is the funniest thing I have ever seen. Rachel was telling us about it, but seeing it for myself is just something different. Now whenever I see a kitchen table it will have totally new meaning to it. Like, how to climb under it and over it and all around it without making contact with the ground. Hahaahahahaha

  2. funny pictures. it always amazes me when a human body can get into such interesting positions. here is the website i was telling you about.
