Wednesday, March 12, 2025

This has been a week of projects for us, and it's been fun to check things off the list. For starters, we have noticed an increased need for study areas in our home. We have one small home office, but as kids have gotten older, the need for computers and workspaces has multiplied. To address this, we built spaces in Rachel's office and in my gym, both with large desks and computers with multiple monitors, and both of which are detached from the home and allow for some peace and quiet. The one in the gym also includes a projector with a theater-sized screen and sound system for online classes or movie nights if we want, so that's cool.

A second project was the addition of some new weight-lifting equipment to the gym, which required a little rearranging of things. I like the space- sometimes just moving things around is enough to make something seem brand new and I get a little shot of dopamine just walking into the building now.

Finally, we got done with a major milestone with the attic in Wallace. Carpet pad is done! So far we have done new windows, ceiling, walls, and subfloor. With the pad, the space definitely has more of a finished feel and we're starting to see a light at the end of this tunnel of a project. In fact, I think that we may be buying furniture by the end of next month!

We like doing projects. They bring us together. Usually. This is part of the fun of owning houses. And of having kids. Because the kids keep adding projects to the houses by breaking things that we have to fix. It's a great little cycle. This week, the house nearly burned down in a grease fire. Nobody was hurt, and the damage was mostly superficial. But now we get another project to add to the list! Yayeeee (in the most sarcastic voice ever). I love scrubbing and painting! Actually- this is one where I think I'll just pay someone else to do it. Ugh.

Here's a few more photos:

Ski club this week: Ev went on the trip too, but she skis with a different, more advanced group of friends. For Addy and Jack I think it's way more of a social thing and they just goof around the mountain all day.

Date night: Rachel and I went to see the play "Ride the Cyclone." I've been wanting to see this one for a while and it was super quirky and fun.

Have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. A good week indeed! getting things done and moving ahead. Congrats!
