Tuesday, June 25, 2024

I am going to regret this in about a year when I am putting this all together into a printed version of The Hazard Chronicles. This single entry is probably going to take as much time as three full months of normal posts, but I trust it will be worthwhile. Here are a billion photos with captions. Enjoy!


This is where Addy takes over. She went on a trip to Washington DC and NYC last week. This is her report. If you make it through everything she writes, then I will attach a few photos of our family weekend at the bottom.

>>>I am still contemplating whether this was a dream or not. The entire time on the trip, I was waiting to wake up, but I never did. And now, as I'm going about my life as usual, the past week seems to be a hazy chunk of life, too unreal to have actually happened. That probably doesn't make much sense, but whatever. Here are some (out-of-order) pictures.

Faith and I both worked on an essay for the opportunity to be a part of a ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington. Here we are, dressed up and ready to go.

During the ceremony. I was very intent on not tripping over my own feet, making for a very focused look.

I have no idea what we are pointing at, but this is my favorite class picture that we got.

Behind a pillar, waiting to line up.

Paityn, Faith and I are assuming this man is guilty.

As we were eating our dinner at a Mexican restaurant, a fire alarm went off. Everyone in the mall which the restaurant was connected to evacuated, and no one was hurt. I'm not even sure if there was a real fire, but there were fire trucks!

Hotel room chaos. It's hard to go to bed when you are three hours ahead of your time zone...

At Mt. Vernon

Look! A "historic" drinking fountain!

We explored most of Mt. Vernon without the rest of the group, who were complaining about the heat. We had a self-guided tour, which turned out being super fun.
More pointing.

How could there not be a picture with this setup? 

We visited Amish Country, and I had to take a few pictures of these goats.


This little goat was so excited to see us he poked his head through the fence!

We named this pony "Addy The Horse" because of her gorgeous hair.

Pretzels at Amish Country. These were really good.

And now we're in New York! This is at the subway station.

The view at the top of the rock- pictures can't even begin to do it justice.

Statue of Liberty!

This hole in the wall pizza place was one of the best meals of the trip. Because who can go to New York without getting pizza?

Ready for "The Outsiders," a Broadway show.

The Stardust Diner. This was hands down the best restaurant experience I've ever been to in my life. If I ever come back to New York, I am eating here every single night. Also, let's not forget the time when Faith was singing along and was spotted. The person came up and gave Faith the mic for a verse. It was the best night of her life.

The Outsiders is by far the best musical I've ever been to. It has it all- the energy and the music and the lighting and the actors. It is probably my favorite musical I've ever been to.

Hairy Cheese at the MET.

On the ride home, all of us got to sit next to each other. It didn't matter that our flight was delayed two hours followed by an hour on the runway.

In our seats at the play.

Statue of Liberty

Walk of Shame after locking ourselves out of our hotel room within the first five minutes. We had also left our shoes and phones in the room. Lucky for us, Mr. B. was walking down the hallway when we needed him.


And here is our week:

Maren initiated a climbing trip and we had a great time. We also found some wild cherries, identified by Maren's phone app. A bunch of them were eaten and so far nobody has ended up in the hospital.

We went to Wallace. Evelyn took the girls on an outing to...a local ski hill...while the rest of us worked on the attic project. These pictures may be slightly incriminating.

Rach and I also walked down and got ice cream. I am not normally the biggest "ice cream" person, but this pistachio cherry is a game changer.

Muchacho's Tacos in Wallace. This place deserves a shout-out and gets a lot of our business

The public pool is open and we had a good time swimming

Wow. If you have actually read all the way down to here, then you probably need to get a life.

Have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. What an honor to be in the ceremony. What an honor, you did great. Your trip looks like fabulous fun.
    Everyone is so grown up. you all look great. Wonderful outdoor summer family fun including the sketchy photo up a tower: ]
