Wednesday, July 19, 2023

What a good weekend it has been. My sister, Courtney, came up to visit with her kids. Also, my brother and sister-in-law (Griffin/Erin) came with her.

Though there is too much around here to do everything we wanted, we were able to fit quite a bit into their brief visit. Parks, bikes, hiking, rollerblading, relaxing at both of the houses, beaches, swimming pools, and a night out with the adults to see a VERY low-key community-level play (a little cringy tbh, but fun). It was so good, as always to catch up with people. The activities were great, but it was also nice to sit around the fire and talk, or to watch the kids get to know one-another. It was just a good visit all around.

We should have taken more photos than we did, but here are a few. A lot of these people we will see again in just a few days when we go down to Rexburg. 

Little Annie Lee (Like the Poe poem) is Courtney's kid. She's a chill kid. I like that.

We went to "the caves" at the nearby park

Hazel (also Courtney's) kept up just fine with all our climbing and jumping around on rocks. I had to smile whenever she was faced with a challenge because she would always utter a quick "I got this" under her breath before launching into the unknown.

This is a lunch stop on a bike ride we went on

Russel. There was once when him and Lindsey took off down the trail together and Lindsey was skipping and I just couldn't help but thinking of the song "Tony Chestnut."

Another quick stop on the bike path

Annie slept in the pack most of the ride. When she wasn't sleeping, she was hitting me in the back of the head to make me go faster.

This is the official center of the universe

Gooeys are always a treat

Maren and Annie have bonded

Adult night in Wallace. Court was there too.

Have a good week!

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