Tuesday, April 5, 2022

After a fairly eventful start to Spring Break, we came home from Montana ready to rest for a couple of days. We took it pretty easy for most of last week. Spring is definitely in the air, and it's nice to spend time in the yard, with friends, or at the park. Rachel and I got out for a couple of dates. We skied twice, and I went climbing outside with some friends. Rachel ran a 10k and beat her goal by quite a bit. We did things- just not any big road trips. It's been nice.

As I write this, Rachel is driving to the airport. She will spend the next week or so with her mom. I'm not really sure what their plans are, but I'm sure she'll come back with all sorts of fun and exciting stories to share.

In the meantime, have a good week!

The kids all had friends over and made "gingerbread" houses, because...why not?

The barrel room of Arbor Crest. This was a fun night out and we were able to meet up with some friends we made a couple months ago.

Just a picture of Evelyn on top of a roof. I don't think there is any story or anything to go with it. That is all. 

Actually, just posting this picture reminded me of something. The other day, Evelyn asked for a band-aid because she scratched herself while climbing a pine tree. At first I didn't think much of it, and mostly just to make conversation I asked her which tree. She said it was one she saw while she was walking home from school, and it just needed to be climbed. Turns out that this happens pretty regularly. I guess Ev really does like climbing after all.

Here's Rachel after her 10k with her cheer squad. I don't even know when she registered for this. She said she did it just to force herself into building some base miles before she starts doing races that she actually cares about. Nevertheless, she went into it with a goal, and she beat that goal by quite a bit, so...Go Rach!

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