Sunday, May 31, 2015

Info Dump

We have been enjoying the beginning of Summer quite a bit. I'm just going to start writing things down as they come to mind, so this might just be a big information dump.

Rachel arranged a night for us and some of her friends to go out and do swing dancing a few weeks ago. That was a lot of fun. We have also been watching the Cavs play in most of their playoff games and we are excited to see them in the finals (I went to school in Cleveland and the Cavs were sort-of a big deal). Addy and Jack are registered for Kindergarten, Evelyn has been recommended for a "gifted and talented" class next year, and Rachel has found a good preschool for Maren to start next Fall. Lindsey has not fallen down the stairs yet, so she is doing well too. I took the four older kids to a theatre to see the movie HOME yesterday, and that was fun. We made the mistake of watching a music video to the soundtrack though, and now they want to watch all of Rihanna's videos. I don't think that's gonna happen.

We also enjoyed a lovely visit from Marissa and Wesley a few weeks ago. They were on their way up to Seattle (I think) for a cruise, and our house happened to be on the way. They were here for a few days and we had a good time. One night we took all the kids out for frozen yogurt and to a live production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang which was tons of fun. The next morning we went out to breakfast (just the adults) over the river and had some good conversations before they had to head out.

Work is going well for both of us. At my work we are bringing on another doctor this week, so that will make it so that we can pretty much take time off whenever we want. That'll be nice. Rachel is also doing great at work and has been offered the opportunity this summer to interpret on a cruise ship. It's pretty nice when you get paid (well, I might add) to go on vacation. I guess that's just what happens when you are a cool as Rachel.

Well, I don't really have much else to say. I posted a few pictures below of some our our outings. Also, watch the blog during the upcoming weeks because I am planning on highlighting each member of our family (I sort of did Jack last week) and I think those will be fun posts. 

Happy birthday to Rachel! The kids got her camping stuff for her birthday and we have already tested it out. 

Evelyn- next to a large elephant tusk. This was part of a scavenger hunt we did with the kids on a rainy day. Rachel's team won...but I think mine had more fun (or maybe it's just sour grapes). Also, Evelyn is an expert on all things "Elephant." 

 These are all from a hike we did as a family. All the kids were completely happy for about three and a half miles. This is a great achievement in my book.

Just chillin' at the park.

Have a good week!

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