Monday, October 13, 2014

Rachel and I just had one of the best weekends of our lives. Before I get into that though, I’ll just say that things have been pretty crazy for us lately. In the midst of all this we happened to go out with some friends who, during the course of our dinner conversation, told us they would like to take our kids for a full weekend to give us some time to relax. Now, people have said things like this before, and it is customary for us to sort of laugh it off knowing that they actually have no idea what they would be getting themselves into. Wanting to keep our friends, we normally thank them for the offer and then move on as if nothing had been said.

This night was different though. Maybe it was because we really needed the time off. Maybe it was because these people were exceptionally good friends who we knew we could trust. Whatever it was, we agreed after a short conversation revolving around one central question- “how serious are you?” They were, and so we set the date for two weeks out. All I can say is that I am glad we did- it has been a harrowing couple of weeks since then, and the chance to ditch the kids and just forget about real life for a while couldn’t come soon enough.

So, what did we do? Everything! But mostly, we just talked. I just want to take this time to say that I LOVE talking with Rachel. On our first date we went dancing, and then we sat at a park and talked for six hours straight. This would pretty much foreshadow the rest of our relationship, and I love it. We do stuff with each other, and we talk with each other. We talk about everything- stuff that matters and stuff that doesn’t. Stuff that’s intellectually challenging, and stuff that just makes us crack up laughing so hard we can’t stop. Rachel once read a book and told me that according to it, talking is my “love language.” Well, I guess I’d have to say that she is right- talking openly about things that are deeply meaningful is just about the most intimate thing I think two people can do, and Rachel is easily the best conversationalist I have ever met.

Obviously, we did other stuff too though. We went out to nice meals each morning for breakfast, and talked. We saw a movie together that we both really liked, even though I can’t remember the name of it. One night we spent three hours in a quaint little café with appetizers and drinks and listened to a local acoustic band playing live music. We went on a hike by a river, and then ate Mexican food while the Seahawks lost a football game. We even took some time to clean the house a little- a surprisingly enjoyable and rewarding activity when you don’t have kids following you around to undo everything you just did. We did all of this together. Just us. It was blissful.

Besides this weekend we have been having fun in other ways as well. On Tuesday, Evelyn had her second x-country race. This time she beat 4 people. Last time she came in last…I don’t think running is her thing, but don’t tell her that I said that ;). More importantly, she had fun and was a great support to her friends who take the event a little more seriously.
Evelyn is in the yellow shirt in the very back

I think that Jackson took the competition the most seriously out of anyone. The whole time we were there, he just wanted to race people. Us, his friends, other random people who he was able to sucker into a competition- it didn't matter. He. Was. Superman.

Also, I just have to post this picture up because we have been infested with gnats! This happens for about 2-3 weeks every fall, and it is really, really gross. From what people have been saying, this year is one of the worst yet. When you go outside you have to close your eyes and shield your face, and then brush the little bugs out of your hair and clothes when you come in. The one silver lining is that with the bugs come lots of little quail-like birds to eat them, and it is fun to watch them hopping around the yard.

Well, I just heard Evelyn’s bus drive by, so I guess she’ll be coming in any minute. Tonight we are doing Family Night and then a movie- it should be fun.

I hope everybody has a good week!


  1. So good to hear about your weekend and all the other fun things. Tell Evelyn way to stick with it. We are proud of her! Love the pictures. Keep them coming!

  2. We loved watching your kids!!! What a sweet post! Hope you are well! We are due for a double date after Christmas. We need to catch up!
