Sunday, June 17, 2012

 It's Father's Day. I have wonderful kids. It's been a good day. But I don't feel like spending a lot of time typing out a blog right now. For you, dear reader, that means a lot of pictures with a few captions.

Addy and Jack have started taking off their diapers all the time, sometimes leaving little not-so-neat "packages" on their floor. So, this is our latest attempt at prevention- duct tape around their pajamas. Unfortunately, since we have taken this picture they have discovered that they can help each other and get out of it with a little cooperation. What now? So far we have duct-taped their diapers on, and then put their pajamas on backwards (so they can't reach the zippers), and then put two more layers of tape around their chest so that they can't unzip them. 20 minutes later we find them running around naked. We are at a total loss. Our kids are Houdinis. I'm thinking chastity belts.

Oh- and Evelyn obviously doesn't need the tape, but she was feeling left out.
 Rachel took the kids to the fire station. The neighbors came too. the kids loved it!I think Evelyn may have a future in dispatch (but I secretly hope not).
 I love this picture of Addy. She is so photogenic.
 I love this picture of Jack. He is so....Jackson.
 The Crew.
 This weekend was the Car d'Alene- an annual classic car and hot-rod convention in Coeur d'Alene. It is actually one of the bigger car shows in the US, and it was cool to look at all the cars. Rachel decided that if she could have one, it would be an orange 1965 Porsche convertible. For now, however, a 2002 mini-van with a whopping 221,000 miles on it is a more-than-adequate substitute.

Also, this picture shows off the child-carrying capacity of our awesome stroller. We always get a lot of comments on this :)
 Evelyn's favorite car.
 After the car show we drove up to an ancient grove of Cedars that is near here. There are no other words for this place than to say that it is Magical. If you have ever seen the movie Fern Gully, this is what it was like. Amazing, HUGE trees that predate the discovery of the American continent loom above while the forest below is full of ferns and other cool plants. Totally amazing.

I love where we live.

 There were also a lot of these little wooden bridges on the hike that they kids had fun with. Did I say that this place was amazing?

 Addy. She is so stinkin' cute!
 Rachel and Maren by a massive maze of roots.
 Rest stop. You will notice very few pictures of Jackson from this hike. That is because the kid is crazy.Taking him on a hike reminds me of when I used to take my dog, Cassie, into the mountains. You know he is there because you can hear him in the bushes, but you only actually see him in fleeting moments as he is running across the trail on his way to another area to explore.
 The place was so magical that Evelyn decided that fairies must live there. With that in mind, we made a fairy house. Jack helped too, but, as you can see, he was kind-of being a goof. Did I mention that he is crazy?
 ...So, here is just me and Evelyn.
 And here are just a few more pictures of the area. I was so captivated by the plants and stuff that I just kept taking pictures. I'm sure that other people (Allison) would do a much better job at capturing the lushness of the forest. But hey, at least I tried, right?

For Father's day, the kids made me a smiley face breakfast, complete with cereal hair, egg eyes, banana eye-brows, an apple nose, bacon mouth, and outlined in vanilla wafer cookies.

Well, Rachel just went downstairs and the kids diapers are off again and apparently there is quite the mess to clean up on the floor. Also, it turns out that Addy has, at some point in the past 24 hours, swallowed 3 pennies.

Don't ask me how I know.

Happy Father's Day!


  1. Oh my! I'm laughing so hard I can hardly write! What an adventure you guys live. I'm so glad you have your blog so you can print them out and remember these days forever. That forest did indeed look enchanted and I'm glad you took all the pictures of the plants. So cool! Thanks for the pictures. What a fun post!

  2. I love the cedar grove. It does look magical. It looks like you had a happy father's day . . . I like the breakfast face.

  3. hahah I loved this post! I laughed out loud several times! I'm glad life is going so well for you guys. Net time I come up (hopefully soon) lets go to the cedar grove. It looks beautiful!

  4. And Rachel, good job on the girls' hair. They look so cute! Evelyn is adorable in braids!

  5. Please tell Rachel that she rocks! I can't believe you guys cart your 4 (darling, I must say) children around to all these great places. I admire you guys. And tell Rachel that she is looking so stinkin' good! I miss her. Tell her that too. :-)
