Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ok. I'll admit that I am not in the frame of mind to be sitting down at a computer right now and writing this blog. I've already tried begging, bribing, and bullying the other members of my family to write it for me, but they wouldn't give in. So I'm sorry, but you get me again today. And I am grumpy. Oh- and I don't have any pictures because we left our camera at home. So if you are like most people and you just scroll down to see the pictures then you might as well leave right now.

But really, aside from all of that, it has been a really fantastic week. On Tuesday and Wednesday I took my board exam for my dentistry license so it's awesome that I don't have to study for that any more. It was sort of getting to be a drag anyway and I was losing any motivation that I ever had. Also, on Thursday I got certified to do Invisalign ("invisible braces") for my patients once I graduate and I am pretty excited about that.

On Friday we got to the airport early and made our way to check-in and security. Only then did we realize that Rachel had left her driver's license in the car and our neighbor who drove us didn't have a phone. This was to be the beginning of a very long day. To summarize, we ended up begging our way through security and then dealing with three very wiggly, noisy, and hellishly cranky little children on three separate flights and a four hour drive before we arrived in Rexburg, Idaho. Seriously, it was the hardest day of travel I think we have ever had. We just kept reminding ourselves that at the end of the day we would be at our destination and that we would never see these people again who were casting hateful glances our way.

But now we are here. It has been an awesome couple of days so far and we are looking forward to a great time. Anyway, I'm going to sign out now because we are playing family games and I'd rather be a part of that than writing this blog. Like I said before- not in the mood.


Have a Merry Christmas!


  1. I'm glad you guys were able to make it there safely. What are you guys going to do for the flight coming home without Rachel's license? Is someone sending it to you? If you need our help, let me know.

  2. Ahh, traveling with children... Three cheers for the Hazards for making it to Idaho in one piece.
