Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday, 8/01/2010

This week has been so much fun!

On Monday we spent the morning time cleaning up the house so we could come home to a nice place. Around lunch time we got a ride to the airport and we were off on our adventure. I have to say, we are getting to be pretty good travelers. Jack and Addy have now been on 8 flights (layovers included) and Evelyn has been on many, many more. I have to give ourselves a pat on the back here, we have this travel business figured out. That night we arrived at our Utah destination and went to my Grandma and Grandpa’s beautiful new home in Draper.

The rest of the week was spent having a wonderful time with family. I don’t remember the exact order of things, but here is what we did.

We went to the Zoo! Evelyn loves zoos and this was no exception. We saw all of the animals, and Evelyn even got to pet a rabbit and a snake. Her favorite part, however, was the ice cream. It got everywhere, but it was totally worth it for the beautiful little smile she had the whole time she was eating it.

One evening we had a get-together with both mine and Rachel’s families. We went to a local park and had dinner and had a good time chatting and getting to know each other a little better.

We spent a lot of time swimming at Jill and Lee’s home (that’s my aunt and uncle). We got some swimmy things to put on Evelyn’s arms and they made her fearless! She would jump into the pool off the side, and insist that we let her float by herself without hanging on to her. She would even put her face in the water and blow bubbles and kick her legs. This is something we have never been able to get her to do before. The only thing that it got a little scary is after we took them off and she still thought she would float. She doesn’t.

Later in the week we went down to visit Grandma Hill with Allison and my mom. We played Scrabble and had fun talking with her. Next week we will have her official birthday party so Rachel and I will be back down for that, but it was nice to get some one-on-one time with her.

And of course there was the wedding. The main attraction. The whole reason we are down here in the first place. Marissa and Wesley got married on Saturday! We got to go to the temple with them a few days earlier to be with them as they received their endowment. And then again, on Saturday we were in the temple with them for the actual marriage. And of course we were there for the reception later that night, where Rachel stood in line most of the time and I ate my weight in chocolate brownies. I also have to put in a good word here for my cousin Anna Sophia. She came to the reception to help me with the kids and I have to say that she was a life-saver. She did an amazing job of watching them and I think that without her the whole reception experience would have been different. For EVERYONE. As it was, things turned out beautifully and the reception went off without a hitch (No pun intended).


Ice cream at the zoo...Can life get any better?

Evelyn and Jack.

Scrabble is always the order of the day at Grandma's house. And she always wins!
These were taken at the picnic.

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