Monday, September 14, 2009

An Early Apology to Eva, Jack and Addy

Something happened yesterday that I thought would not be possible with boy/girl twins...

I was ready to feed our babies and I asked Logan to get Jackson for me. He walked over and got ready to pick up Adalie. I told him it was the other baby, but he was adament that the baby he wanted to pick up was Jackson. We both looked into the crib and talked for about ten minutes and could not decide who was who. I finally talked myself into the idea that Logan was right and the baby was indeed Jackson. Much to both of our surprize we checked the diaper and had quite the shock and embaressment when our 'Jackson' turned out to be a girl!

I know that parents can often confuse themselves and mix up their children's names. I was prepared for that because I knew it would happen (I have already called Adalie Eva a few times). This mix up just comes with being a parent of more than one child. I did not, however, know that I would ever mix up my children while looking them directly in the face and trying to figure out who was who.

Jackson and Adalie look completely different when both of them are awake and their faces are expressive, but when they are asleep looks can be decieving. I didn't realize they looked so alike until this incident. One very easy distinguising mark is that Adalie has an olive skin tone and Jack has very fair skin. This was not helpful for this mix up because both of them have a little bit of jaundice and were about the same shade of yellow.

I will post a side by side sleeping picture as soon and you can see for yourself.

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