That actually reminds me of another funny thing she said this week (FB users will recognize this). She was "reading" a Disney princess book the other day. Here is her version: "Cinderella has a blue dress and glass slippers... Ariel has red hair like me and a pink dress... Jasmine does NOT have enough clothes on!...Sleeping beauty has a pink and blue dress..."
It's interesting to see what kids pick up on. Anyway, on to the headings.
Happy Mother's Day!
I don't really know how to write about my mom. There are so many experiances and conversations and mental photographs that I have which have shaped the feelings that I have for her today that it is impossible to really express how grateful I am for her. I know she is probably reading this right now and thinking "oh, that's nice," but seriously, I want you to know, Mom, that I love you. Recent events (you know, the cancer scare and miraculous recovery and all) have really helped to put in perspective our relationship. I feel like it is perfect. I enjoy calling you on my walks home from school just to chat. I love how we can do that. I feel like we are friends and I think that is cool.
I love how involved you are in my children's lives even though you live six states away from us. I know you don't feel like it is enough, but I think it is significant that every one of them recognizes your face and your voice, and that Evelyn can cite memories she has of being with you. They know your personality and they love you.
I love your zeal for life and I definitely feel like that has rubbed off on me. You have taught me through your example how to be happy. I know you feel like Dad was the "fun parent," (at least that is what you have told me) but you need to know that you were every bit as involved as he was in infusing me with optimism and passion. When you talk about the things you do, whether it is stories from kindergarten or from a recent vacation, I can see that you totally live life to its fullest and enjoy every moment for what it is. I want to be like that, and I think because of you (and Dad), that I know how.
I could say a lot of other things, but it wouldn't really do them justice. Just know that I sincerely love you and that I think you are the best mother a guy could have. That's all.
Happy Six Year Anniversary!
That's right- it has been six years (on Thursday) since Rachel and I kneeled over the altar in the temple and got married. They have been the best six years of my life.
Someone once told me that when you get married you have your spouse on a pedistal, and that as time goes on you start to realize flaws and quirks that bring them down to a more realistic level. Well, all I have to say is that I feel bad for that person for not having married Rachel. Yes, I think that she was absolutely on a pedistal from the day I met her. And yes, I feel like I know her now better than I have ever known anyone else in my entire life. But the thing is, that in my eyes, her pedistal just keeps getting higher and higher.
I don't think I could have married a more perfect person. We have definitely grown into each other over the past six years, and I think that we are both better people because of it.
She is my best friend in the world.
Happy anniversay Mango- I love you!
"The Move"
Our house resembles an egg packaging facility. Enough said.
Evelyn, Evelyn. This little girl has totally captured and melted my heart.
Evelyn, I have thouroughly enjoyed spending so much time with you this week. You have been a great helper as we are getting ready for this move and I have loved having you alongside me packing boxes. It was fun going to school with you and packing up all of my dental stuff.
I have loved the depth of the conversations we have had. You are such a smart girl and it is fun to listen to you tell me about what you are doing and thinking and feeling. You love coloring and playing with your doll house and we frequently do these activities together while "telling stories."
This morning you came and snuggled with me in bed and we talked for a long time about a lot of things. You are looking forward to moving, but you are also a little bit nervous. You will miss your friends a lot, but you are very excited about getting to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa.
I know that this move is going to be a little bit hard for you. It is even harder for me, knowing that you don't fully understand how tough it's going to be. This week was your last week of pre-school and of dance class and of nursery. Tomorrow at the zoo you will see some of your friends for probably the last time ever. They have all definately been a part of your life and you have stories to tell about each of them. You love your friends. It makes me a little bit sad that you might not even remember some of these people, but at the same time a little bit glad that you are so young and that you will adapt quickly to your new location and make new ones. Don't worry sweetie, you'll be alright.
You, Evelyn, are an amazing dancer. I frequently dance around the house with you and I can freely admit that you are the better dancer between the two of us. When you hear music it's like you can't help it- you just have to move. Your dances are impressively "moody" and full of feeling. It's like you just have this natural ability to express yourself. I'm jealous. On Saturday you had a dance recital and you did great! I am very proud.
Every night after you fall asleep I go into your room and lay in bed with you for a little while. I always ask you if you know that your daddy loves you, and you always nod your head in your sleep. I hope that you really know that. You are truly -My-Little-Girl-
And you always will be.
Adalie and Jackson
I know it's not fair to group you together like this. Well, I have two things to say. First, get used to it. You are twins. You will always be grouped together. Second, I will do everything I can to help people see you as unique individuals.
And you are.
Addy- you are the cuddliest out of everyone. Your favorite thing is to bring me books and then snuggle into my lap as I read them to you. We would do this all day if you had your way. Today at church I got a chance to just hold you and love you for most of sacrament meeting.
You love dogs! Every time you see one, in real life or in a picture book, you totally crack up giggling and you can't stop repeating the words "dog" and "doggy." It is hilarious, and very, very cute. You are My Addy.
Jackson- you are a maniac! I mean this in the best way possible, but it is true. You are everywhere. If you could have your way you would just start running and never stop. Only you wouldn't run in a straight line. Nope. You are very easily distractable and you would end up running around in circles until you got dizzy and fell over. I know this because I have seen it happen.
You also have a very sweet and sensitive side which is starting to emerge and which is very specific to your individual personality. We have spent a lot of time together "figuring things out." You are so curious, and I have treasured these moments. You are my Little Man.
Both of you guys- When did you grow up? Holy smokes! I think that I might have been distracted by school or something, but this week I have come to the stark and kind-of bittersweet realization that you are not babies any more. I love it whenever you see me and you follow me around like little zombies chanting the words "Papa- Papa- Papa..." I am your Papa and I love you so much.
Well, this blog has turned into much more than I thought it would- in a good way. I honestly consider myself the luckiest guy in the world.
My family is my life.
And life is wonderful.
Here is the video of her recital. In the first dance she is in the front on the far left. In the second, she is in the front on the far right. Enjoy!
This post left me in tears! Everything from your sweet Mother's Day tribute, to the adorable dance video! You are such a good writer, Logan, and you do have a wonderful family and a wonderful life. We are so lucky to have a son like you!