Me and Rachel
Ok- so we are two individuals, but I can still group us together because we are “one in purpose.” I’ll also talk about general family events here.
We got new bikes! If you have been following this blog for the past couple of months then you probably remember how our bikes were stolen, along with our child seats and bike trailer (they were locked up inside of our garage!). We were pretty bummed out about this since family bike rides were a regular part of our week. Well, after much looking and bargaining we have finally replaced everything. True, I now have a cheap little piece of steel instead of a nice Trek, but it works and we are once again mobile. And actually, the trailer is way better than the one we had before. We are very excited to be able to go out again because the beautiful Fall season (the best time of the year for bike rides) is just beginning.
As you probably know, Monday was Labor Day. We celebrated by going to the Cleveland air show, just like we have for the past two years. As always it was spectacular, and I again resolved to learn to fly airplanes one day. This is a desire which will probably fade over the next 3-4 weeks (this sort of transient obsession is typical of my brain), but you’ve got to admit, it would be cool. Evelyn, however, does not agree. She loved watching the show, and she walked around saying “airplane, airplane” for the rest of the week, but when they actually flew overhead she would cower into my arms and start to whimper. The only words she could muster at this time in a weak little whine were “airplane scarrrrrry.”
Yesterday we took full advantage of the coming of Autumn by driving out to a farm where we went apple picking! It was so much fun this year because Evelyn really got into it. At the farm they had little bags for the kids which Evelyn proudly wore over her shoulder. As we walked through the orchard she was practically dancing around the trees and with her cute sing-songy little voice repeating the chorus of “I picking apples!” over and over and over…and over. It was very fun to watch her. For some reason it is so rewarding to watch your children having fun. Seeing them happy is seriously one of the things that brings me the most happiness.
On Friday night Rachel and I went to an Indian’s game. But this wasn’t just an ordinary game. See, Phil Aftoora is the guy who interviewed me to come to school here. We also met with him while living in Provo, and again a couple of times out here. He has, in a way, become a friend. Well, he told us he had season passes and wanted to take us out to a game. We accepted the invitation even though we are not huge baseball fans, thinking it would be a fun night out. Boy, was that an understatement! His season tickets, it turns out, are with the fancy “we’re-going-to-treat-you-like-celebrities” club where we got, seriously, the best seat in the stadium. But that’s not all. These seats were part of a fancy restaurant where they had, I think, the best buffet I have been to. We are talking all-you-can-eat steak, lobster, shrimp, and marinated chicken. We’re talking having the chef standing there cutting your meat as it comes off the grill. Man, was it good. To top off the night we watched fireworks- in 3D! We wore these glasses that, basically, were prisms, so it made everything much more colorful (not really 3D, I guess, but it still made for a cool effect). It was a great night and we are glad we went…even though we are not huge baseball fans
Evelyn thinks she is a dog.
Yes, you read that right. She doesn’t like using silverware any more, she refuses to wear any clothes, and we even caught her trying to drink out of the toilet. No, I am not kidding. Sometimes I think I am going to scream at her, but then I find myself laughing too hard to muster the appropriate tone of voice to get really angry.
Other than that she is doing fantastic. She started pre-school this week and she loves it. Rachel and five of her friends got together and made this little pre-school co-op (like joy-school, but a little different). I got to drop her off for school on Thursday and it was so fun to watch her jump right in and play with the other kids and enjoy it so much. When I come home from school she tells me all about her day and shows me the things she made. It is so much fun having a little girl
She has also accomplished two very important accomplishments this week. First, she has learned how to read. OK- not really. But she can definitely recognize the words Evelyn, Jackson, Adalie (along with their shortened forms), Mom, Dad, papa, and doggy when written on paper.
The second thing is even more impressive. She has stopped sucking her thumb! Mostly. One day we just told her that she was a big girl, and that big girls don’t suck on their thumbs, and I guess it sunk in because whenever she gets the urge she finds us, and in a very sweet voice, states “I no sucking my thumb. I’m a big girl. AddyJack no big girl. I big girl.” We are so proud of our big girl.
Adalie turned 1 this week! To celebrate we went to the dollar store where Evelyn picked out a present for her all by herself. We then went home and had presents, sang the birthday song, and ate cupcakes. She loves cupcakes!
Addy is also, it turns out, a drama queen. There is no question about it and no other words to describe it. When she decides to be frustrated she will kick and scream until the whole neighborhood knows how she is feeling. When she is sad she will fall straight onto her face with her arms spread out over her head (pretty funny to watch) and just sob into the carpet while kicking one foot in slow motion. And when she is happy she will get the biggest smile ever and giggle to no end and just be the happiest, bubbliest one-year-old on the planet. That is Addy- our drama queen
Jackson turned 1 this week! To celebrate we went to the dollar store where Evelyn picked out a present for him all by herself. We then went home and had presents, sang the birthday song, and ate cupcakes. He loves cupcakes!
Jack has also learned a few new tricks this week. First of all, he is totally standing without assistance. He will even bend down and pick things up without falling. What’s more, he has taken his first steps. It happened at the BBQ over Labor Day. It is sort of scary, and a part of me wants to run and push him over, but Evelyn pretty much has that job figured out. Seriously, I don’t know what it is going to be like after these guys learn to walk, which may be in the not-so-distant future. It seems like it could get pretty crazy trying to keep track of them, but then again, it already is.
Well, that’s our crazy week. A lot has happened. It has been fun. Let the new week begin!
Oh- and we got a new camera (a fancy water-proof, dust-proof, shock-proof, kid-proof one). We’ve gone through five cameras in five years so hopefully we have better luck with this one. Enjoy the pictures.
They actually look like twins in that family picture!