Family update time! But first, a couple of housekeeping things. On our Christmas post (Dec 27th) Rachel has gone back and added a bunch of stuff, so you should check that out if you're interested. We also had a pretty good week that I have written about at the end of this post.
Also, keep in mind that what you are about to read are narratives- story lines that I see developing in each member of our family. And while I believe they are mostly accurate, I also recognize how limited (or limiting) they can be. Is it really possible to sum up an entire personality in a few short paragraphs? Obviously not. The descriptions are inevitably simplistic and flawed. It's the best I can do though, to share a little bit of each of the amazing people in my family with whoever might be reading this blog.
Alright- let's get going. Evelyn says that life isn't fair because we always go youngest-to-oldest when we do things (she does have a point). In the interest of proving her wrong, I have decided to change things up a little.
Rachel is my best friend and the love of my life. I am continually astounded with how much she is able to do, and how well she does it. She loves her job as an ASL interpreter and is at the top of her game when it comes to her profession. In a few months she will interpret on a cruise ship for the second time (this time to the Bahamas), followed by a personal vacation for several days in New York City, "just because she happens to be in the area." I'm jealous.
Besides work, Rachel has also excelled at her newfound hobby of cycling. She got a new bike last spring which has almost become a member of the family (it even goes on vacation with us), but I guess it's worth it because she's been a competitive racer in several events. I know she is itching to get back on the roads as soon as all the ice melts. In the meantime, she keeps up a fairly rigorous training schedule at the gym in anticipation of the next season.
Let's not forget, of course, that Rach is also Super Mom. Leave it to her to keep our family actively engaged in all kinds of fun activities and learning experiences. She helps out in all the kids' classes, and even goes to a little pre-preschool mommy-and-me thing with Lindsey each week. She also makes sure our family eats more than just eggs, cold cereal and frozen pizza- the regular menu items on my nights to cook.
I could go on and on. Rachel has a very active social life with book clubs and meet-ups (with and without kids); she is engaged in our church community; she is an intellectually engaging person to talk with; she is a great dance partner; she likes football; she puts on a coat and plays outside regardless of the weather. What's not to love about this girl?
Favorite memory of 2016: Palouse Falls hike in the rain with kids
Proudest moments of 2016: Performing with the guitar and becoming a better musician
Activity hopes for 2017: Canoeing to an island as a family and camping; Go to a Seahawks game
Personal ambitions for 2017: Better improv blues lead; maintain 5k (running) time but get back to rock climbing 5.12 pretty consistently
I go to work as a dentist and I love my job. I come home to my kids and I love my family. I read a lot of books and like exploring ideas through good literature. I play the guitar- weekly in a band at church and almost daily on my own. I run- I couldn't really tell you why, but I find it relaxing. I go on dates with my hot wife- have I mentioned that she is my best friend? I rock climb and I've gotten to do some pretty fun trips in the last year.
I'm looking forward to 2017. It's gonna' be great.
I consider myself exceptionally lucky to be married to Logan who is an amazing person and is the love of my life! If I were to sum up my goal for last year in one word, it would, in fact, be my favorite word- balance. I mention this here because the person who gave me my inspiration for this idea was Logan. I am impressed with the masterful way he uses his time and resources to carefully balance all of the different goals he has for his life.
I am not the only one to benefit from having Logan in my life. Our kids have the best dad in the world! It is apparent that Logan's top priority is his family. Looking back at the year I see it is full of times that Logan set aside for one on one time with each of the kids. Individual pizza hut dates, kid only backpacking excursions, Silverwood dates, numerous rock climbing experiences indoors and out, and multiple papa hiking trips and outings. Our kids are pretty lucky, and I think Logan enjoys these adventures just as much!
Logan and I are continually reading books out loud together and our list of books read has probably exceeded 150. Logan is working to rival that number with how many books he has read with our kids. Every night he reads a few chapters to the older kids and they have some entertaining book discussions! Some of the favorites include; The Lightning Thief, Ivy and Bean, The Magic Tree House, and Frindle (this author is pretty amazing in giving fun things to think about and question). This is a magical time for the kids and I enjoy listening in on their conversations and insights about the books.
Along with reading to the kids, Logan is constantly listening to a book on audible. He has read an impressive list of fiction, non-fiction, and classics this year. Some of his recent favorites have been Hamlet, Of Human Bondage and Watchmen. These books have led to some great conversations and a lot of introspection on his part. When Logan is not listening to his book he enjoys a wide variety of podcasts. Left, Right, and Center, The Economist, The New Yorker (which he enjoys reading the physical copy cover to cover each week), and the Seahawks Nest are a few of his favorites.
When does he have time to listen to all of this you might ask? When he is running, of course! Logan keeps up a pretty vigorous running schedule and I must say that he can run impressively fast and makes it look easy. This year he ran two half-marathons with finishing times around 90 minutes which is pretty fast if you know running. I'm pretty sure he has a goal to be able to run a sub 20-minute 5k from now until the day he dies (kidding, not kidding).
Rock climbing will always be a part of Logan's life. With Q'emlin park five minutes away and the Kroc climbing wall 10 minutes down the road this should not be a problem. Logan has spent a lot of time with friends at the Kroc this year working in the 5.12b range- down from last year but still pretty impressive. He also spends quite a bit of time bouldering, which has become a new sub-hobby for him. Logan is a pretty amazing climber and I love to sit back and watch him. He has a smooth strength and grace to his movements that I have rarely seen mastered by others.
Alpine climbing has also piqued Logan's interest and he planned and completed a few noteworthy trips this year. He was able to escape to the Tetons with his cousin Donny. It's hard to believe that it has been ten years since these two have done a trip together. It will definitely be much sooner before it happens again! Logan also went on a Wind Rivers trip with his dad and brother, Griffin. I can see many more trips in the future.
Logan's mad guitar skills have increased by leaps and bounds this year. He plays in a band weekly and is constantly learning new songs to perform. He is also doing online courses specifically in blues guitar (his favorite). I enjoy watching him perform and I can tell he loves it! This Christmas he got an amazing ME pedal and amp emulator. He has already learned a lot and is composing his own songs using the looper.
Logan and I have date night practically every night after the kids go to sleep. We can be found talking, watching a movie, reading together, or learning some sweet dance moves, I love spending time with him. We also make it a point to go out on 2-4 dates out of the house monthly. We have had some fun ones this year!
Work at Loftus has been pretty great this year. Logan loves his profession and enjoys having his own office in Post Falls. He has a fantastic team who works together well and the atmosphere of the office reflects this.
Somehow Logan also finds time to update the blog weekly to create The Hazard Chronicles volumes that are one of my favorite treasures. I am impressed with how well Logan balances his life! He is an excellent dad and husband. I look forward to many wonderful years with him!
Favorite memory of 2016: Going places with family
Proudest moments of 2016: Invent Idaho project making it to state
Activity hopes for 2017: Backpacking
Personal ambitions for 2017: Discover a new book series to enjoy
Evelyn loves to read and has become somewhat of a "walking encyclopedia." Seriously, she will come up with the most random pieces of information out of the blue, that are somehow surprisingly relevant to the situation at hand. She devours books at a pace of about 3 a week, and is currently working her way through the entire Goosebumps series that she got for Christmas.
Besides reading, Evelyn has taken up an interest in fashion, and has developed a look that is all her own. Most of the time I'm pretty impressed with her ensembles, but every once in a while something wild or weird comes up. Recently, she has developed an interest in designing her own clothes, and is learning how to use a sewing machine to this end (thank you, Santa).
Evelyn is so stylish! She loves choosing her outfits and she has a good eye for putting extra accessories on that actually work well. She has also been experimenting with her hair and I have enjoyed seeing the results. I am excited to shop for her for her upcoming birthday. I have never been much of a "girly, girl," but I can definitely get into shopping for one!
At school Evelyn consistently comes in far above grade level, seemingly without even trying. The impression I got at parent-teacher conference was that she acts more as a tutor in her class than as a student- which can sometimes lead to her talking out of turn. Still, I am proud of her achievements and so is she. Her favorite part of school is when she goes to "Challenge" with her two best friends. It's a gifted and talented program that focuses on critical thinking and the arts.
As a mom it is fun to hear about things your kids are learning that don't come from you. I enjoy hearing Evelyn tell me all about the Greek God's or Greek culture or whatever else she is learning about in Challenge. This class is right up her alley and she loves learning for no other reason than to learn.
As a dad, the biggest thing I see in Ev is a newfound confidence in everything that she does. She takes initiative on a lot of things, which I see as somewhat precocious, and she sometimes seems to be mature beyond her years. She is interesting and fun to hang out with, and I am excited to watch as this personality continues to emerge.
Ev loves to collect things. The word "things" has quite the broad definition. She keeps everything from milk carton lids to pens that do not work, to spiral ring binders that are actually just the spiral binding... You get the point. Logan and I, on the other hand, are exactly the opposite. We frequently purge our stuff and throw out anything that has not been touched in six months. Occasionally I will keep something and give it the next six to see if I use it. If not, it is gone. I must say that I have occasionally needed things and asked Evelyn. She can generally provide the needed item. Paper clip, anyone?
Evelyn is growing up and becoming extremely responsible. I noticed this when she had her ears pierced this year and every single night, without fail, she would come upstairs and take care of them. Another way that this responsibility manifests is when she wakes up every other morning, gathers all of her stuff, and marches into the shower without being asked. This is a pretty big deal because she is taking responsibility for something she really dislikes doing. Also, I do not think she has missed one day making her bed in the morning (and many mornings she has even made Addy's bed) which she began doing of her own accord.
Favorite memory of 2016: Exploring tide pools
Proudest moments of 2016: Hip-hop recital
Activity hopes for 2017: Take a day off school for no reason other than a "Hazard Holiday"
Personal ambitions for 2017: More hip-hop
Adalie happily fills the role of "family cheerleader." I love how she is constantly encouraging other people in the things they are perusing, whether that's giving out high-fives at cross-country tournaments or holding up hand-made signs while others are performing on stage. She has a smile that can light up a whole room, and brings with her an energy that is contagious.
All this is not to say that Addy isn't skilled and talented in her own right. As I have written in the past, I often think of her as a freak of nature- a kid who somehow just excels in everything. I don't know that she's the absolute best at anything I can think of, but she is right up there in so many areas that she can feel pretty much at home in any environment.
Her interests lately have turned toward dancing. She loved her little hip-hop group and can pull out some pretty good moves on the spot. At home we regularly turn music up loud and let the living room become a dance floor. We all get in on the action, but Addy is usually the most enthusiastic. She is already looking forward to more dance classes in the future.
Adalie is a sweetheart! She is an excellent listener and I can count on her to be awesome when everything else is falling apart (yes, sometimes this happens... especially when we are getting ready to go somewhere). Adalie also has a very tender soul. If the kids are being overwhelming and I make a blanket statement about the kids she is quick to ask "Everyone except me, right Mom?"
I have a very vivid memory of one morning when I asked her to jump in the shower. She looked at me and said, "no." I almost fell over from shock because that was so unlike her. Just as an update- she never did it again. I think she was just trying it out to see how it felt. I make it a point to tell her how much I appreciate and love her. I want to make sure she gets good attention because sometimes I feel like most of the attention goes to the squeaky wheels.
Addy is reading up a storm! This girl devours any books she can get her hands on. She enjoys picture books and chapter books alike. Some of her favorites are The Magic Tree House and a fairy adventure series.
I asked Addy what kind of books she wanted for Christmas and her immediate reply was nonfiction books with facts in them. I found a hard bound book of 5,000 facts and when I looked through it I was disappointed to find page upon page of thick text. Adalie loved it! She randomly comes up to me and asks, "What would you like to know a fact about?" I have found her multiple times on the couch immersed in her new book.
Favorite memory of 2016: Rock climbing and running x-country
Proudest moments of 2016: Training for and completing a bike race
Activity hopes for 2017: Overnight rock climbing trip
Personal ambitions for 2017: More rock climbing
If you can't tell by reading his answers posted above, this guy loves rock climbing. And as happy as I am about this fact, I have to admit that it is a little bit puzzling because he doesn't go with me all that often. Maybe one or two times a month- which is a lot more than most kids I guess. He is currently sending 5.6-5.7 pretty easily, and can do an occasional 5.8 if he has the patience to work on it. The funnest thing to watch is his acrobatic style as he jumps from hold to hold, making moves that don't seem possible for someone of his small stature.
Perhaps Jackson's uncanny ability to work out unique solutions on the rock stems from his extreme creativity. The world, through his eyes, must be a spectacular place. I've written about this on the blog before, but it still holds true. He is constantly coming up with something new, whether it be an invention, a story, a fort, or a game.
In school, Jack is exactly on grade level when it comes to academics. He is also exceptional when it comes to many things that cannot be measured. He is often the quickest to help when he recognizes a need, and makes friends easily with whatever other kids find themselves in his "bubble." He is inquisitive, thoughtful, and tenaciously devoted to whatever he sets his mind to.
The beginning of the year was a difficult one for Jack in the world of books. He did not relly enjoy reading and he viewed it as a chore more than anything. That was until the teacher sent home a National Geographic reading book about Sharks. Jackson picked up that book and immediately read it out loud to me more fluently than I had ever heard him read. He kept that book with him night and day and he read it to anyone and everyone who would listen. He discovered the world of animal non fiction books and he has never looked back. He gets library books weekly and is excited to read for puppy minutes each night. He loves to share facts with me and read out loud. Every time we go to the library he has his heart set on a subject and he finds books on that topic. The other kids search out and find ones they think they will like, but when we enter the library Jack is on a mission. I love his enthusiasm and I love hearing him read! He is doing pretty awesome.. He still can not stand reading the pointless books that his teacher sends home for him. Who can blame him when there is so much cool stuff out there to learn about!
One interesting thing about being a parent is observing similarities and differences in your children. I have noticed that each of our children have a unique set of emotions and emotional responses. Jackson is very driven by his emotions and whatever he is feeling is taken to the extreme. This creates a very driven, empathetic, and intense little person. He is passionate with what he does and is learning to manage the larger than life emotions he houses in his little frame.
Jack is one of the most driven kids I have ever met. He is constantly creating something or experimenting. His experimentation has sometimes been a challenge for me. I have always wanted our kids to have the freedom to figure thing out and to make mistakes as they learn, but I did not anticipate the messes that this freedom could cause! He says, "Mom! I am going to do an experiment!" and I hear "Mom! Are you ready for a gigantic mess?" We have come to a wonderful compromise with this. Whenever he asks to do an experiment (in the event that he actually asks) I respond that he needs to have a hypothosis first. Sometimes he comes up with one himself and sometimes we think of one together. For some unexplained reason this helps me a lot. Oh. He also knows that the upstairs must be clean before he can do anything. It's the little things and mom needs her sanity.
Favorite memory of 2016: My birthday
Proudest moments of 2016: Singing in my school program
Activity hopes for 2017: Go on a cruise (on the lake)
Personal ambitions for 2017: Learn to swim by myself in the deep end
Maren has become quite my little sidekick lately, whether we are exercising at 5:30 in the morning or watching a movie late at night. If I ever leave the house without saying goodbye to her, I can pretty much count on a phone call. And if I'm cooking something in the kitchen, you can bet that she is right there with me, either helping or else watching dutifully from the other side of the counter.
Right now she finds herself in a difficult spot in the family. She is definitely NOT a baby or a toddler, as she is quick to remind us whenever she is "forced" into the Play-care (Kroc Center babysitting) with Lindsey. At the same time, she isn't quite old enough to keep up with the other kids, either physically or intellectually, as they play games or explore new areas. Almost...but not quite. This leaves her with lots of "papa time," which I can't complain about too much. Maren is a joy to have around, and I couldn't ask for a better partner.
As far as activities go, the two things she loves most are probably her preschool, and swimming. She has taken to the water much quicker than any of the other kids have, and will soon be swimming confidently on her own (which makes my job a lot less stressful in the summer since we basically live at the beach). Coincidentally, her favorite thing is the world is probably the idea of mermaids. Seriously.
Maren is unique in that she is not really content sitting and reading books with me. I have had to find other ways to bond with this little. Her favorite thing to do is to play and use her imagination. This year there was a six month stint where every time the bus left in the morning she was magically transformed into a momma and I became her little Honey. There were times when this got old, but most of the time it was pretty fun. I took her to work (preschool) every morning and the game continued as soon as I picked her up.
Maren is the most independant and stubborn child that we have. I know that this will be great for her in the future, but it can get pretty crazy for me in the here and now. There was a 2 month time period where I would bring her to preschool in the morning and sit her in her own special chair with her shoes beside her. She knew that when she chose to put her shoes on then she could play. The battle at home got pretty intense and this solution worked. I am reminded of this recently because for the last two weeks she has absolutely refused to put on her snow pants because they are not pink. The last three times we have gone sledding she has opted to sit in the car instead. I am impressed by her sheer willpower. Her preschool teachers are aware of it, and today for her snow day she decided that gloves were not for her. The teacher said that was fine and that she could stand outside by the door until she chose to put them on and go sledding. She stood in the same spot for the entire time and every time the teacher checked on her she was just fine. Maybe snow just isn't her thing.
Maren is constantly talking, telling me stories, and singing her own made up songs to me from the backseat of the van. She has so much spunk and character! I love the time I get with her during the day.
What a little bundle of happiness! There's that country song- "You're gonna' miss this," and all it takes for me is a glance in Lindsey's direction to know that it is true. Every time I hold her, or play with her, or read to her, or put her to bed, or do anything else with her, it's like there's this little voice in the back of my head reminding me that this is the last time I'll get to be a part of this fun stage of life with my own kids.
And it is fun! Oh, it can be frustrating at when she shows up naked and has suddenly "lost" every stitch of clothing she owns, or when she thinks of endless excuses not to go to sleep, or when she finger-paints everything in her entire room with Vaseline, or when...well, you get the idea. But at the same time, there are the cuddles, the absolute sunshine that is her face when I come home from work, and the hilariously random things that come out of her mouth without her even realizing what was said. I'm gonna' miss it, it's true, but at the same time I am so looking forward to seeing who this girl becomes.
Miss Lindsey is pure sunshine! I will do just about anything to get her to giggle, and I will do even more for a little cuddle. She is growing up so fast and I am sure going to miss her littleness. She has a little bounce in her step and when she runs it is just about the cutest little prance you have ever seen! She is getting more independent every day and loves to be in charge of doing things (pushing the button to shut the car door makes her feel so grown up!).
Lindsey loves sitting on the potty any chance she gets. She goes through the whole process and is exceptionally proud of herself. The whole process, that is, except for actually going to the bathroom. She has gone a grand total of one time! Her interest is definitely there and she is getting better at not falling in. :)
Our sweet girl is SO smart. I know that every parent says that about their kids, but this parent is right! I remember counting vocabulary words for each of our kids when they turned two (the doctor says they should have a fifty word vocab at this age). I also remember counting signs that the kids knew as words so that they could get up to the fifty mark. At Lindsey's second birthday I started the ritual counting. I began with body parts, then outside words, then food words and so on. If pressed I would estimate her vocabulary was around 600 words. It is still growing at an astronomical rate. She talks all the time and I love her sweet little voice! I just want to capture it in a bottle and keep it forever. Lindsey also knows all of her colors by recognition and recall and she is working on counting and shapes.
Besides the update on the family, here's a quick look at our recent activities:
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Seahawks date! We had a great time watching the game with a bunch of other fans- especially since our team won. It got very loud in that little building. I don't expect we'll be so fortunate next week. |
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Climbing with the kids. They're all naturals. Addy giggles all the way up (and all the way down) while at the same time yelling words of encouragement to random strangers. Jackson is impressive and just struts his stuff 'cause he knows he's a star. Evelyn explains to anyone who will listen how she probably inherited a musculoskeletal system that is favorable to climbing due to the physical attributes of her parents and genetic recombination at the molecular level.
I love these guys! |
Have a good week!